1963, CHAPTER 592—Perryville, Cecil County
Executive Department
Annapolis, Maryland
Office of the Secretary of State of Maryland
To the Clerk of the Court of Appeals:
I, Lloyd L. Simpkins, Secretary of State of Maryland,
pursuant to the direction contained in Section 172 of Article 33 of
the Annotated Code of Maryland (1957 Edition), Do Hereby Certify,
That at the annual election held in the Town of Perryville, Cecil
County, Maryland, on May 14, 1963, an Act known as Chapter 592
of the Acts of the General Assembly of Maryland of 1963, was sub-
mitted to the voters of the Town of Perryville, Cecil County, Maryland,
for their adoption or rejection under the provisions of Chapter 592
of the Acts of 1963, said Act being as follows:
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact, with amendments, Section 303
of the Code of Public Local Laws of Cecil County (1961
Edition), being Article 8 of the Code of Public Local Laws of
Maryland, title "Cecil County," subtitle "Perryville," so as to
modify the limitation on the taxing power of the Town therein
contained by providing that, subject to approval on referendum
as required by Section 5 of Article XI-E of the Constitution of
Maryland, the Town shall have the power to levy ad valorem
taxes on all property in the Town subject to assessment for
such taxes at not exceeding the limited annual rate of $1.00
per $100. of assessed value to provide funds for the operation
and administration of the municipal government and the pro-
vision of capital improvements payable from current reve-
nues, and without limitation as to rate or amount to provide
funds to pay the principal of and interest on the bonded
indebtedness of the Town.
and I do certify that at said election held in the Town of Perry-
ville, Cecil County, Maryland, 155 votes were cast in favor of the
adoption of Chapter 592 of the Acts of 1963, and 70 votes were cast
against the adoption thereof, and a majority of the votes being cast
in favor of the adoption of said Chapter 592 of the Acts of 1963, the
said Act has been ratified by the voters of the Town of Perryville,
Cecil County, Maryland.
In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto subscribed my
name and affixed my official seal at the City of
Annapolis, this 3rd day of June, 1964.
(Secretary of
State's Seal)
Secretary of State.