1700 Certifications
Executive Department
Annapolis, Maryland
Anne Arundel County
Whereas, under authority contained in Article XVI of the Con-
stitution of Maryland, the Secretary of State, was legally and duly
petitioned by the qualified voters of Anne Arundel County, Maryland,
to submit to the qualified voters of said County for their adoption or
rejection at the election to be held on November 3, 1964, Chapters 854,
855, 894, 896, 897, 898 and 899 of the Acts of 1963; and
Whereas, the Secretary of State, acting under the authority con-
tained in said Article XVI of the Constitution of the State, did at
said election of November 3, 1964, so submit the said Acts to the
qualified voters of Anne Arundel County, Maryland; and
Whereas, from the returns of said election transmitted to me
as required by the provisions of Article XVI of the Constitution, it
appears that;
For the adoption of Chapter 854 aforesaid, 21,604 votes were cast
and against the adoption thereof, 27,648 votes were cast in said
For the adoption of Chapter 855 aforesaid, 19,022 votes were
cast and against the adoption thereof, 21,434 votes were cast in
said County.
For the adoption of Chapter 894 aforesaid, 22,816 votes were
cast and against the adoption thereof, 15,002 votes were cast in
said County.
For the adoption of Chapter 896 aforesaid, 23,369 votes were
cast and against the adoption thereof, 17,130 votes were cast
in said County.
For the adoption of Chapter 897 aforesaid 23,069 votes were
cast and against the adoption thereof, 18,311 votes were cast
in said County.
For the adoption of Chapter 898 aforesaid, 24,755 votes were
cast and against the adoption thereof, 14,980 votes were cast in
said County.
For the adoption of Chapter 899 aforesaid, 23,785 votes were
cast and against the adoption thereof, 16,179 votes were cast in
said County.
Now, Therefore, I, J. Millard Tawes, Governor of Maryland,
do by this my Proclamation issued under the authority and direction
contained in said Article XVI of the Constitution, hereby declare
and proclaim that in Anne Arundel County, Maryland, a majority of
the votes having been cast against the adoption of the said referred