"Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax", to follow immediately after Section 136 (f)
thereof; to repeal and re-enact with amendments Section 137(a) of said
Article and subtitle; and to add a new Section 29A to Article 89B of the
said Code, title "State Roads", subtitle "Distribution and Use of Special
Funds", to follow immediately after Section 29 thereof, increasing the
license tax with respect to motor vehicles, which is generally known as
the gasoline tax, and providing for the collection, distribution, and use of
this increased tax; to repeal and re-enact with amendments Section 341(d)
of Article 66½ of said Code (1963 Supplement), title "Motor Vehicles",
sub-title "Offenses and Prosecutions"; to add new Sections 341(d-1), 341
(d-2), and 341 (d-3) to said Article and subtitle (1957 Edition and 1963
Supplement), to follow immediately after Section 341 (d) thereof; and to re-
peal and re-enact with amendments Section 7 of Article 88B of said Code
(1957 Edition), title "State Police", subtitle "In General", placing maxi-
mum amounts upon the expenditures from motor vehicle revenues for the
support of the Department of Motor Vehicles, the Department of Maryland
State Police, and the State Police Retirement System, and providing that
bonds authorized from and after June 1, 1964, to pay the cost of capital
improvements for the Department of Maryland State Police and the De-
partment of Motor Vehicles shall be serviced from monies other than the
special funds referred to in said Section 341 (d); to repeal and re-enact
with amendments Section 29 (a) of Article 66½ of said Code (1957 Edition),
title "Motor Vehicles", subtitle "Administration—Registration—Titling",
increasing the excise tax for the issuance of every original certificate of
title for certain motor vehicles and commercial motor vehicles; to add new
Sections 211A-211G, inclusive, to Article 89B of said Code (1957 Edition
and 1963 Supplement), title "State Roads", subtitle "Bonds, Notes or Other
Evidence of Indebtedness", to follow immediately after Section 211 thereof,
and to be under the new subheading "State Highway Construction Bonds,
Third Issue", authorizing the issue of certificates of indebtedness to be
known as the State Highway Construction Bonds, Third Issue, and relating
generally to the terms, conditions, and procedures for the sale and issue of
these bonds and for the uses of the proceeds thereof, and to add new Sec-
tions 211H-211L, inclusive, to said Article of said Code to follow imme-
diately after Section 211G thereof and to be under the new subtitle "Ex-
penditure of Commission's Funds and Programming and Scheduling of
Highway Projects", relating generally to the finances and expenditures of
funds of the State Roads Commission and to the programming and schedul-
ing of highway projects by the State Roads Commission; requiring a study
of the structure, personnel, operational procedures, administration, and
financing procedures of the State Roads Commission; and to repeal and
re-enact with amendments Section 326(g) of Article 81 of the Annotated
Code of Maryland (1963 Supplement), title "Revenue and Taxes", subtitle
"Retail Sales Tax Act"; and to repeal and re-enact with amendments Sec-
tions 325 and 373 of said Article (1963 Supplement), subtitles "Retail Sales
Tax Act" and "Maryland Use Tax", amending the Retail Sales Tax Act and
the Use Tax Act in order to make special provision for the rate of sales tax
and of use tax on the purchase of certain farm vehicles and farm equipment,
these special provisions being necessary because of a present relationship
between the sales tax and the titling tax with respect to the purchase of
said farm vehicles and farm equipment; all relating generally to certain
motor vehicle and gasoline revenues in this State, and to the imposition, col-
lection, amount, distribution, and use thereof by the State Roads Commis-
Which was read the first time and referred to the Committee on