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Session Laws and Journals, 1964, March Special Session
Volume 673, Page 238   View pdf image (33K)
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20                              JOURNAL OF PROCEEDINGS                [March 11

of representatives in the Congress of the United States, creating a new
Eighth Congressional District, making special provision for the filing of
certificates of candidacy for the primary election in the year 1964 for
the office of representative in the Congress of the United States, repealing
certain laws and procedures inconsistent with this Act, and relating
generally to the boundaries of the several Congressional Districts in this
State and to the election of representatives to fill these offices.

Which was read the first time and referred to the Committee on

House Bill No. 39—By Delegate Weidemeyer:

A Bill entitled: An Act to repeal Chapter 380 of the Acts of 1963 and
to repeal Sections 159-166A, inclusive, of Article 33 of the Annotated Code
of Maryland (1957 Edition and 1963 Supplement), title "Elections," sub-
title "House of Representatives," and to enact in lieu thereof new Sections
159-166A, inclusive, to stand, in the place of the sections so repealed,
revising the several congressional districts in this State for the election
of representatives in the Congress of the United States, creating a new
Eighth Congressional District, making special provision for the filing of
certificates of candidacy for the primary election in the year 1964 for the
office of representative in the Congress of the United States, repealing
certain laws and procedures inconsistent with this Act, and relating gen-
erally to the boundaries of the several Congressional Districts in this
State and to the election of representatives to fill these offices.

Which was read the first time and referred to the Committee on

House Bill No. 40—By Delegate Bossle :

A Bill entitled: An Act to repeal Sections 288(c-2), 289(f-3) and
289 (f-4) of Article 81 of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1957 Edition
and 1963 Supplement), title "Revenue and Taxes," subtitle "Income Tax,"
as sections were enacted by Chapter (House Bill 30) of the Regular
Session of 1964, and to enact new Sections 288(c-2), 289(f-3) and 289(f-4)
in lieu thereof, to stand in the place of the sections so repealed, amending
the law which imposed an extra rate upon the State income tax in order
to change the rate of tax imposed, and relating generally to the imposi-
tion and collection of income taxes in this State.

Which was read the first time and referred to the Committee on

House Bill No. 41—By Delegates Bresler and Doing:

A Bill entitled: An Act to add new Sections 198A to 198-1 to Article
41 of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1957 Edition), title "Executive
and Administrative Agencies," to follow immediately after Section 198
thereof and to be under the new subtitle "Division for Youth;" providing
for the creation and operation of a division for youth within the execu-
tive department, the establishment of youth opportunity and youth
rehabilitation centers, the transfer to the division for youth of the ad-
ministrative functions, and the powers and duties of the State Youth

Which was read the first time and referred to the Committee on


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Session Laws and Journals, 1964, March Special Session
Volume 673, Page 238   View pdf image (33K)
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