Code of Maryland (1957 Edition and 1963 Supplement), title "Alcoholic
Beverages," subtitle "Beer Licenses"; to add new Section 10 (h-1) to
Article 2B of said Code, of said title and subtitle, to follow immediately
after Section 10 (h) thereof; to repeal and re-enact, with amendments,
Sections 13 (i), 14 (h), 14A (a), 14A (b) and 16 (g) of Article 2B of
said Code, title "Alcoholic Beverages," subtitle "Beer and Light Wine
Licenses"; to add new Section 15 (f-1) to Article 2B of said Code, of said
title and subtitle, to follow immediately after Section 15 (f) thereof; to
repeal and re-enact, with amendments, Sections 19 (h) and 20 (j) of
Article 2B of said Code and title, subtitle "Beer, Wine and Liquor Li-
senses"; to add new Section 20 (j-1) to Article 2B of said Code, of said
title and subtitle, to follow immediately after Section 20 (j) thereof; to
repeal and re-enact, with amendments, Section 25 (c) of Article 2B of
said Code and said title, subtitle "Special and Temporary Licenses"; to
add new Section 37 (c) to Article 2B of said Code and said title, subtitle
"Local Licenses and License Provisions," to follow immediately after
Section 37 (b) thereof; to repeal and re-enact, with amendments, Sections
83, 84 and 85 (b) of Article 2B of said Code and said title, subtitle "Hours
and Days for Sale"; to add new Sections 86 (h) and 89 (f) to Article 2B
of said Code and said title and subtitle, to follow immediately after Sec-
tions 86 (g) and 89 (e) thereof, respectively; to repeal and re-enact, with
amendments, Section 119 (b) of Article 2B of said Code and said title,
subtitle "Restrictions Upon Licensees"; to repeal and re-enact, with
amendments, Section 155 (p) of Article 2B of said Code and said title,
subtitle "Boards of License Commissioners"; providing for an increase
in alcoholic beverage licensee fees in Montgomery County, prohibiting the
issuance of any alcoholic beverage license in said County to drug stores,
billiard halls or bowling alleys or to restaurants therein; changing the
hours for sale of alcoholic beverages in said county under certain licenses;
revising the provisions in said County of a Class C, Beer, Wine and Liquor
License relating to the persons who may be served thereunder after April
30, 1965, and revising the required qualifications of an applicant for said
license; prohibiting the issuance in said County of a Beer, Wine and
Liquor License, Class C, 7 days license; making it unlawful in said County
to sell, give, serve, keep or dispense any alcoholic beverages, to to per-
mit the consumption thereof, on or in any premises constituting a res-
taurant, tavern, hotel, club, place of public entertainment or premises open
to the public other than as specifically permitted by law; prohibiting
the consumption of alcoholic beverages in the premises of the holders of
certain licenses after 12:30 o'clock A.M. and requiring that all containers
of said beverages be removed by that time; increasing the salary of the
Board of License Commissioners in said County; and generally revising
the alcoholic beverage laws of Montgomery County.
Which was read the first time and referred to the Committee on
House Bill No. 22—By Delegates Anderson, T., Blondes, Bresler, Cook,
E. P., Doing, Gore, McAuliffe, McInerney, Miller and Moore:
A Bill entitled: An Act to repeal and re-enact, with amendments,
Section 19 (h) of Article 2B of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1957
Edition and 1963 Supplement), title "Alcoholic Beverages," subtitle
"Beer, Wine and Liquor Licenses," providing that said Section shall be
null and void after April 30, 1965; and to add new Section 19 (h-1)
to Article 2B of the said Code to the aforesaid title and subtitle, to
follow immediately after said Section 19 (h), to provide for the issu-