No. 6
(Senate Joint Resolution 17)
Senate Joint Resolution giving the support of the General Assembly
of Maryland to the preservation of the unique character of the
City of Annapolis.
The General Assembly of Maryland enthusiastically and heartily
endorses the efforts of the City of Annapolis and public-spirited
citizens throughout the State to retain and preserve the attractive
colonial character of the City of Annapolis.
Annapolis, the capital city of Maryland, is one of colorful and
notable architecture. In many ways it commemorates the illustrious
history and traditions of this State. It is a heritage for all the
citizens of the State of Maryland, from the mountains of Garrett
County to the sands of Somerset County. Our people have an in-
herent public interest in preserving the unique flavor and character
of the beautiful little City of Annapolis.
Among the assets of the capital city of Maryland is the unusual
and outstanding architecture reflecting as it does the very spirit
of a quaint colonial town.
There has been general alarm throughout the State of Maryland
over recent proposals which would ravish the architectural integrity
of this lovely and beautiful old town. There are efforts underway
to build structures in the area surrounding the historic and beauti-
ful State House, which would be completely incongruous and in-
compatible with the capitol building and its surroundings.
Many of our citizens are demanding positive action to prevent
the construction of buildings that would destroy the beautiful and
historic skyline and would materially detract from the architectural
setting for the State House and for other nearby public and private
Thousands of our people believe that the beautiful little City of
Annapolis should be held secure as a sacred trust for the esthetic
and inspiritional enjoyment of future generations.
Annapolis is the symbol of the splendid history and venerable
character of the State of Maryland. It is a living embodiment of
the ideals and of the democrary of this old State. It is completely
unthinkable that under any specious claim for "progress," any
buildings and structures should be added which would destroy the
quaint and lovable character of this fine old colonial town; now,
therefore, be it
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the City of
Annapolis and all its officers and employees be urgently requested
to do everything within their power to resist efforts to destroy
the old colonial atmosphere of Annapolis, and to make every pos-
sible effort to retain the quaint, historic and beautiful character of
the City of Annapolis and of its famous skyline; and be it further
Resolved, That the General Assembly on behalf of our people
throughout the length and breadth of the State of Maryland gives
its hearty and enthusiastic support to the City of Annapolis in all