J. MILLARD TAWES, Governor 459
Resolved, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the Legisla-
tive Council, either through one of its own committees or through a
special committee, be requested to study the problem of the excessive
campaign expenditures of elections in the State of Maryland; and
Be it further resolved, That the Legislative Council be requested
to report by the regular 1965 session of the General Assembly the
results of its studies together with any recommended legislation in
this area.
Approved April 7, 1964.
No. 5
(Senate Joint Resolution 12)
Senate Joint Resolution to request the Legislative Council to direct
its Committee on Taxation and Fiscal Matters to make a study
of the Bureau of Revenue Estimates with the objective of possibly
providing for a reorganization of the Bureau and the utilization
by that Bureau of the expert services of the trained economists
on the University of Maryland faculty to assist the Bureau in the
effectuation of the diverse and complex revenue studies and pro-
jections it is called upon to perform on behalf of the Governor
and the General Assembly in the areas, among others, of antici-
pated revenues, sources of revenues, new sources of revenues and
the collection thereof.
Whereas, The rapid and unprecedented increase in the revenue
needs of this State and the present and ever expanding sources from
which such revenues must be sought present a complex economic
picture which requires a most careful study by trained specialists
in the field of economics in order to give these recondite matters
the advantage of the most erudite analysis available, and
Whereas, The utilization of such trained economic specialists
would permit the Bureau to broaden its research base and to more
effectively collect, objectively evaluate and more realistically inter-
pret past economic data to apply to current requirements, and to
prognosticate with a greater degree of expertise future economic
trends significant to the present and future welfare of the State, now,
therefore, be it
Resolved by the General Assembly, That the Legislative Council
direct its Committee on Taxation and Fiscal Matters to explore the
practicability of and material advantages that might inure to the
State by utilizing the expert services of the trained economic special-
ists from the instructional and research faculties of the University
of Maryland to assist the Bureau of Revenue Estimates in carrying
out its required duties; and be it further
Resolved, That the Legislative Council be instructed to report back
to the General Assembly on its findings as soon as possible.
Approved April 7, 1964.