less per school year than that required for a teacher or principal
holding a regular certificate of the same grade.] For the school
year 1964-65 and thereafter, the, salary of a teacher or principal
holding a provisional degree certificate (or having equivalent status
in Baltimore City as determined by the State Department of Educa-
tion) shall be $200 less per school year than that required for a
teacher or principal holding a standard or advanced professional
certificate, and the salary for a teacher or principal holding a pro-
visional non-degree certificate (or having equivalent status in
Baltimore City as determined by the State Department of Educa-
tion) shall be $400 less per school year than that required for a
teacher or principal holding a standard or advanced professional
[(k) In Allegany County, notwithstanding any other provisions
in this article, the Board of County Commissioners shall pay sal-
aries or compensation as provided in this subsection, to all teachers,
principals and administrative and supervisory personnel of the
public school system of Allegany County, whose minimum salaries
or compensation shall be fixed in this article. Beginning in the
month of September, 1955 for the school year of 1955-1956, all such
salaries and compensation shall be increased in the amount of
$300.00 for the year. Beginning in September, 1956, for the school
year 1956-1957, all such salaries and compensation shall be in-
creased by an additional $100.00 or a total of $400.00 for the school
YEAR of 1957-1958 and continuing thereafter from year to year, all
such salaries and compensation shall be increased by an additional
$100.00 or a total of $500.00 for each such school year. Except as
otherwise specified in this subsection, all the provisions of this
article concerning the amount of salary or compensation payable to
such persons shall continue to be in effect in Allegany County.]
(c) [The State of Maryland shall, as hereinafter provided, pay
out of the general State school fund to the treasurer of the county
board of education and to the mayor and city council of Baltimore,
two-thirds of the annual salary of the county superintendent of
schools and of the superintendent of public instruction in Baltimore
City as provided for in this section; provided that s] Salaries paid
to county superintendents WHO ARE EMPLOYED AFTER
JULY 1, 1964, shall be shared in by the State only when
the superintendent has met the full requirements in academic and
professional training, namely, graduation from a standard college
or university plus [one graduate year's] two years of graduate
work [in education] at a recognized university, including public
school administration, supervision, and methods of teaching. County
boards of education may, in their discretion, pay to a county super-
intendent an annual salary in excess of the schedule provided in
this section, but the State shall not share in the [part] payment
of said excess.
(a) The county superintendent of schools, acting under the rules
and regulations of the county board of education, shall be responsi-
ble for the administration of the office of the county superintendent
of schools. He shall nominate, for appointment by the county board