missioners or superintendent or assistant superintendent to be in de-
fault of such payment or payments, and the amount due from such
employer and it shall then be the duty of the Attorney General forth-
with to bring or cause to be brought against the employer a civil
action in the proper court for the collection of the amount so due, and
the same when collected, shall be paid into the State Accident Fund,
and the policy or contract of insurance which the State Accident
Fund has issued to such employer shall cease to be in effect from the
date the thirty day notice expires as provided in sub-section (a), and
said policy or contract of insurance shall not again be in effect until
all premiums due by such employer shall be paid into the State Acci-
dent Fund.
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take effect
June 1, 1964.
Approved April 7, 1964.
(Senate Bill 84)
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact, with amendments, Section 5(B) of
Article 25A of the 1963 Cumulative Supplement to the Annotated
Code of the Public General Laws of Maryland, 1957, title "Char-
tered Counties of Maryland", sub-title "Express Powers", to au-
thorize and facilitate the leasing of property by chartered counties
in furtherance of the public purposes thereof.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Section 5 (B) of Article 25A of the 1963 Cumulative Supple-
ment to the Annotated Code of the Public General Laws of Mary-
land, 1957, title "Chartered Counties of Maryland", sub-title "Ex-
press Powers", be and it is hereby repealed and re-enacted, with
amendments to read as follows:
Sec. 5.
(B) To provide for the protection of county property; to provide
for the acquisition by purchase, lease, or otherwise, and condemna-
tion of property required for public purposes in the county; to
dispose of any real or leasehold property belonging to the county,
provided the same is no longer needed for public use [, and]; to
grant any franchise or right to use the same, or any right or fran-
chise in relation to any highway, street, road, lanes, alley or bridge
[,] ; and to provide for the leasing as lessor to the State or any
political subdivision or other agency thereof, or to any county agency,
or to any person, any property belonging to the county or any agency
thereof, in furtherance of the public purposes of such county or
agency, upon such terms and compensation as said county [corpora-
tion] may deem proper, and after such disposition, [or] grant or
lease shall have been advertised once a week for three successive
weeks in one or more newspapers of general circulation published
in said county, stating the terms thereof and the compensation to be