J. MILLARD TAWES, Governor 285
(1957 Edition), title "Health," subtitle "Registration of Nurses,"
be and it is hereby repealed; and Sections 290, 291, 293, 295, 296, 303,
304, 305, 306, 307 and 309 of the said Article (1957 Edition and 1962
Supplement), subtitle SUBTITLES, respectively, "Registration of
Nurses" and "Licensed Practical Nurses," be and they are hereby
repealed and re-enacted, with amendments; and Sections 300 through
310, inclusive, of the said Article and subtitle SUBTITLES of the
Code be and they are hereby renumbered and recodified, said sec-
tions hereafter to be numbered, respectively, as Sections 299 through
309, inclusive, of the said Article and subtitle SUBTITLES of the
Code, and all to read as follows:
From time to time upon the occurring of vacancies upon the exist-
ing State Board of Examiners of Nurses, whether such vacancies shall
happen by reason of the expiration of the terms for which the
members of [said] the board were appointed, respectively, or by
reason of any other cause, the Maryland [State] Nurses Association
shall submit to the Governor of the State the names of five of its
members who have not had less than five years' experience in their
profession; and from said list of nominations so furnished him, or
from a further list of five additional names of such members having
the same qualifications, to be furnished to the Governor by said
Association, upon his request for additional names, the Governor
shall appoint a member or members of [said] the State Board of
Examiners of Nurses, as vacancies upon [said] the Board shall occur,
so that [said] the Board shall consist of five persons, each of whom
shall be appointed for a term of three years, or in case of a vacancy
occurring during the term for which any member of [said] the
Board may have been appointed, then for the unexpired portion of
said term.
The members of [said] the State Board of Examiners of Nurses
shall [, as soon as organized, and] annually [thereafter] in the month
of May elect from their members a president and a secretary who
shall be the treasurer. Three members of [said] the Board shall
constitute a quorum, and special meetings of the Board shall be called
by the secretary upon written request of any two members. The
[said] Board of Examiners of Nurses is authorized to frame such
bylaws as may be necessary to govern its proceedings. The secretary
shall be required to keep a record of all meetings of the Board, includ-
ing a register of the names of all nurses duly registered under this
subtitle, which shall at all reasonable times be open to public scrutiny,
and the Board shall cause the prosecution of all persons violating any
of the provisions of this subtitle, and may incur necessary expenses
on this behalf. The treasurer, before entering upon the discharge of
the duties of treasurer, shall give bond in the sum of two thousand
dollars ($2,000.00) with a corporate surety, to be approved by the
Board. The members of the Board shall receive ten dollars ($10.00)
for each day actually engaged in this service, and all legitimate and
necessary expenses. Said expenses and salaries shall be paid from
fees received by the Board under the provision of this subtitle, and
no part of salaries or other expenses of the Board shall be paid out of