House Bill No. 761—Appeals from Municipal Court of Baltimore City
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact, with amendments, Section 45 of
Article 5 of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1962 Supplement),
title "Appeals," subtitle "Appeal from Municipal Court of Baltimore
City to Criminal Court of Baltimore," changing the time within
which an appeal may be taken from Municipal Court of Baltimore
City to the Criminal Court of Baltimore from ten to thirty days.
May 2, 1963.
Honorable Marvin Mandel
Acting Speaker
House of Delegates
State House
Annapolis, Md.
Dear Mr. Speaker:
I have reviewed House Bill 761 and, in accordance with Article
2, Section 17, of the Maryland Constitution, I am returning this
Bill to you accompanied by my veto message.
House Bill 761 changes the time within which an appeal may be
taken from the Municipal Court of Baltimore City to the Criminal
Court of Baltimore from ten to thirty days.
The Commissioner of Motor Vehicles has advised me that enact-
ment of this Bill would permit a motor vehicle operator convicted of
a serious violation to continue driving for the appeal period of thirty
days from the date of conviction rather than the ten day appeal
period as now provided.
In my opinion, this would not be consistent with the public safety
and welfare. The Department of Motor Vehicles has indicated that
a great many appeals are taken primarily to delay the impact of the
State's suspension and revocation laws and the provisions of House
Bill 761 certainly would delay the prompt action intended by the
Point System Law in removing unsafe and unfit motor vehicle opera-
tors from the highways of Maryland.
The Commissioner of Motor Vehicles also has advised me that
the extension of the appeal period to thirty days would hamper the
prompt administrative procedure now prevailing and require the
Department to set up advanced date files. Under the present pro-
cedures, convictions in the Municipal Court of Baltimore City are
promptly reported to the Department of Motor Vehicles and adminis-
trative action under the Point System or under Sections 104 and 105
of Article 66˝ is completed almost immediately upon expiration of
the present ten day appeal period.
The function of any unit of government, whether it be Federal,
State or local, is to promote the safety and well-being of its citizens.
In my opinion, House Bill 761 is not consistent with this policy and,
therefore, I feel obligated to veto this Bill.
With kindest personal regards, I am
Sincerely yours,