Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the State
Roads Commission be requested to study the toll structure for the
Potomac River Bridge on Route 301 at Morgantown and to take such
steps as possible to reduce it to the lowest possible level.
Approved May 6, 1963.
No. 57
(Senate Joint Resolution 36)
Senate Joint Resolution urging the Commissioner of Personnel to
develop a policy and to report to the Legislative Council concerning
payment of extra compensation for late hours and overtime work
performed by State Employees and other matters.
Whereas, Senate Bills 165, 225 and 226 introduced in the Senate of
Maryland relate to payment of extra compensation for work per-
formed by certain State Employees at late hours and during overtime.
Whereas, Senate Bills 193-200, inclusive, introduced in the Senate
of Maryland contain numerous proposals concerning State Em-
ployees' grievance procedures, compensation and other matters,
Whereas, the General Assembly of Maryland considers that the
subject matter of said bills should be studied by the Commissioner
of Personnel and reported to the Legislative Council; now, therefore
be it
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the General
Assembly requests the Commissioner of Personnel to develop a policy
concerning the payment of extra compensation to State Employees
for work performed at late hours and overtime and other matters
proposed by subject bills and report to the Legislative Council its
recommendations not later than September 15, 1963.
Approved May 6, 1963.
No. 58
(Senate Joint Resolution 37)
Senate Joint Resolution requesting the Congress of the United States
to provide federal funds for maintenance of Inter-State Highways.
Whereas, the Congress of the United States has provided funds
for construction of Inter-State Highways, but has not provided for
maintenance of same from federal funds and
Whereas, the cost of maintaining the Inter-State System is mount-
ing and will mount to considerable funds in the future and