mum budget nor less than 20%.
The State Commissioner of Health
shall be responsible for acting on
plans and budgets for health serv-
ices in each subdivision, and shall
expend the same proportion of the
State's share for State approved
programs, that actual expendi-
tures, as established to the satis-
faction of the State Commissioner
of Health, made by that subdivi-
sion for general health services
bears to that subdivision's share
of the State approved program,
provided that all such expendi-
tures do not exceed the total
amounts available under the appro-
priations herein set forth. If any
subdivision appropriates and ex-
pends more than is provided herein
as its share of its estimated
budget for minimum health serv-
ices, the State Commissioner of
Health is authorized, subject to
availability of funds under this
appropriation, to match such addi-
tional expenditures, provided that
the aggregate of state, and fed-
eral funds paid for such additional
expenditures shall not exceed 20%
of such additional expenditures.
The State Board of Health and
Mental Hygiene is authorized to
promulgate rules and regulations
for the implementation and appli-
cation of the formula outlined
General Fund Appropriation ............ 4,271,105
Special Fund Appropriation, pro-
vided that revenues in excess of
this estimate may be made avail-
able by approved budget amend-
ment .................................................. 1,867,073
Federal Fund Appropriation, pro-
vided that grants in excess of this
estimate may be made available by
approved budget amendment........ 1,372,085 7,510,263
----------- 7,210,263 Special Health Services
General Fund Appropriation............ 147,869
Federal Fund appropriation, pro-
vided that grants in excess of this