9. Easterly about 400 feet to the Legislative Road leading from
Borden Shaft to Frostburg, and with it
10. Northeasterly 4/10 of a mile to the road leading to Hoffman
mine near the railroad crossing, it being a corner of District No. 12,
Frostburg, then reversing the lines of said district and running with
the road to Hoffman mine
11. Southeasterly and easterly 1-2/10 miles to Kirby's scales at
the top of the hill, then leaving said road and with the lines of
District No. 17, Vale Summit, and running with a road leading
southerly to the Georges Creek railroad
12. Southerly ½ of a mile to Vale Run on the edge of said
Georges Creek and Cumberland railroad, then down Vale Run
13. Southwesterly 1-4-/10 miles to the water station, the place of
145-I. District No. 20—Wills Mountain. Beginning on the top
of Wills Mountain on the Pennsylvania line, it being the end of the
third line of District No. 5 in Cumberland, and running thence with
District No. 5, along the top of Wills Mountain, Southwesterly 3.6
miles; then West 1 mile crossing the Cumberland and Pennsylvania
Railroad bridge above the Paper Mill to the Western Maryland Rail-
road, then up the Western Maryland Railroad Westerly 5 miles to
the top of Piney Mountain, and with it Northerly ½ mile to the
Mount Savage Road at a point on the said road 1/10 of a mile East
of the road from Barrellville, Maryland, to Wellersburg, Pennsyl-
vania, then parallel to and 1/10 of a mile East of said last named
road, Northwesterly to a point 1.5 miles Southerly of the Pennsyl-
vania line, then Northerly 1.5 miles to the Pennsylvania State Line,
then with it East 5.4 miles to the top of Wills Mountain, the place of
145J. District No. 21—Gross. Beginning on the Maryland and
Pennsylvania State Line at the top of Martins Mountain then (1)
Southwestward, along and with the top of Martins Mountain, 4.6
miles to the northerly end of the road leading from the top of Bush
Ridge to Williams Road, then (2) Southwestward, with said road,
1.5 miles to Williams Road, at a point approximately 0.5 mile West-
ward of Twiggtown, then (3) Westward, with Williams Road, 3.5
miles to a point 0.1 mile Eastward of the junction with Christie
Road at Mount Herman M. E. Church, then (4) Northward, by a
line parallel to and 0.1 mile eastward of Christie Road and Jeffries
Road, 3 miles to Baltimore Pike (U. S. Route 40), then (5) North-
eastward, with Baltimore Pike, 0.4 mile to Mt. Pleasant Road, then
(6) Northward and Westward, with Mt. Pleasant Road, 1.5 miles
to Evitts Creek, then (7) Northeastward, up and with Evitts Creek,
1.0 mile to Rock Gulley Creek, then (8) Eastward, up and with Rock
Gulley Creek, 1.5 miles to a point in line of the crest of Evitts
Mountain, then (9) Northeastward, along and with the top of Evitts
Mountain, 2 miles to the Maryland and Pennsylvania State Line,
then (10) Eastward, with the Maryland and Pennsylvania State
Line, 2 miles to the top of Martins Mountain, the place of beginning.
145K. District No. 22—Union—Cumberland. Beginning on Wil-
liams Road at a point 0.1 mile eastward of the junction with Christie
Road, at Mt. Herman M. E. Church, then (1) Northward, by a line