J. MILLARD TAWES, Governor 161.
parallel to and 0.1 mile Eastward of Christie Road and Jeffries Road,
3 miles to Baltimore Pike (U. S. Route 40), then (2) Westward and
Southwestward, with the Baltimore Pike, 2.8 miles to Central Avenue
at Willow Brook Road in the City of Cumberland, then (3) South-
westward, with Central Avenue, 1300 feet to Monroe Street, then
(4) Northwestward, with Monroe Street, 550 feet to Weber Street,
then (5) Northward, with Weber Street, 975 feet to Baltimore
Avenue, then (6) Southwestward, with Baltimore Avenue, 2650 feet,
to Baltimore Street, then (7) Westward, with Baltimore Street, 800
feet to South Centre Street, then (8) Southward, with South Centre
Street, 1300 feet to Williams Street, then (9) Eastward, with Wil-
liams Street and Williams Road, 3 miles to the place of beginning.
145L. District No. 23—Decatur—Cumberland. Beginning on
Bedford Street at the Baltimore and, Ohio Railroad Company's tracks,
in the City of Cumberland, then (1) Northeastward, with Bedford
Street and Bedford Road, 2.1 miles to Nave Cross Road, then (2)
Southeastward, with Nave Cross Road, 400 feet to a point opposite
and in line with the Northwesterly edge of McNamee's Hill, then (3)
Southwestward, with the Northwesterly edge of McNamee's Hill and
with Oakwood Street and Louisa Lane, 1.5 miles to Harvard Street,
then (4) Southeastward, with Harvard Street, 550 feet to Yale Street,
then (5) Southward, with Yale Street and lane, 1250 feet to Baltimore
Avenue, then (6) Southtwestward, with Baltimore Avenue, 2800 feet
to the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company's tracks at Baltimore
Street crossing, then (7) Northwestward, with the Baltimore and
Ohio Railroad Company's tracks, 1400 feet to Bedford Street, the
place of beginning.
145M. District No. 24—Eckhart. Beginning on the National
Road at the junction with the road up to the tunnel on the Eckhart
branch of the Cumberland and Pennsylvania Railroad, said place of
beginning being about ¾ of a mile west of the six-mile post on the
National Road
1. Northeasterly 1½ miles to a high point on Piney Mountain
marked 2,318 on the topographical map of Allegany County made by
the Maryland Geological Survey, then with the lines of District No. 13
2. Northwesterly 1 3/5 miles to the high point on Federal Hill
marked 2,106 on aforesaid topographical map, thence with the road
skirting the top of Federal Hill
3. Southwesterly 1½ miles to the road leading from Morantown
to Eckhart, thence with a straight line
4. Southwesterly 1 3/5 miles to a point on the National Road 1/10
of a mile east of the Allegany Cemetery gate, then with a straight line
5. Southeasterly 1⅓ miles to a point on the road from Hoffman
Mine to Borden Shaft about 2/5 of a mile west of said road and 25 feet
north of Kirby's weigh scales, and at the end of the tenth line of
District No. 17, Vale Summit, and running thence reversing the lines
of said district
6. Northeasterly ½ of a mile to a point 100 feet northwest of the
Hoffman school house, then with part of a straight line drawn to the
stone bridge at Clarysville on the National Road.