east 200 feet, south 50¾ degrees east 687 feet, south 22½ degrees
east 175 feet, south 52 degrees east 580 feet, south 62 degrees east
400 feet, south 54½ degrees east 1090 feet, south 62¼ degrees east
400 feet, south 47 degrees east 250 feet, south 25½ degrees east 200
feet south 43¾ degrees west 255 feet, south 28¾ degrees west 200
feet, south 11½ degrees west 184 feet, south 9½ degrees east 200
feet, south 47 degrees east 165 feet, south 86¾ degrees east 175 feet
to a point distant 500 feet measured along said Mertens Avenue in a
southwesterly direction from the southwest corner of the building
known as Camp No. 1 of the Green Ridge Orchard Company, thence
by a straight line south 3½ degrees east 900 feet to the northeast-
erly end of Bridge No. 8 of the Western Maryland Railway crossing
the C. and O. Canal and the Potomac River just South of Green Ridge
Station, thence with the centre of said Bridge No. 3, crossing the
C. and O. Canal and the Potomac River in a southwesterly direction
to the West Virginia Shore of the Potomac River, thence down and
with the West Virginia Shore of the Potomac River in a northeast-
erly direction 14 miles to the place of beginning.
136. District No. 2—Oldtown. Beginning for the same at a
point on the top of Green Ridge Mountain where it is crossed by the
Potomac Edison Company's Transmission Line running from Wil-
liamsport, Maryland, to Cumberland, Maryland, it being about 151
feet southwesterly of the road leading from the top of Green Ridge
Mountain to Green Ridge Station and commonly called Mertens
Avenue, thence with the top of Green Ridge Mountain northeasterly
1-3/10 mile to Johnson Pack Horse Road, then leaving the top of
Green Ridge Mountain and running with the Johnson Pack Horse
Road west 1-4/10 mile to Big Run, then with a straight line west
9/10 of a mile to the top of Polish Mountain at the southerly end of
the Weaver Barnes Farm, then with a road west 1-4/10 mile to the
head of Peters Run and down said run southwesterly about 2 miles
to Town Creek, then up Town Creek north about ⅓ of a mile to
Bear Hollow, then up Bear Hollow west 2 miles to the head of said
hollow, then southwesterly 1½ mile by a straight line to the Lost
Knob on Warrior's Mountain, then by a straight line northwesterly
1¼ mile to Twigg's Lane at the forks of the road ½ mile south-
easterly from Twiggtown, then with the centre of Twigg's Lane
south 4-9/10 miles to the Oldtown Road, then with the Oldtown
Road southeasterly 2-1/10 miles to the crossing of the said road
with the Western Maryland Railway, then with a straight line south
⅓ of a mile to the West Virginia Shore of the Potomac River, thence
down and with the West Virginia Shore of the Potomac River east
about 5 miles to a point just opposite the mouth of Town Creek
thence up said Town Creek crossing the Cardinal Club Farm by a
straight line north 8¼ degrees east 4000 feet to the centre of said
Town Creek where it is crossed by the First Bridge North of the
Potomac River and the new road to Paw Paw, West Virginia, thence
by a straight line north 56½ degrees east 2500 feet to the Green
Ridge Road on the top of Green Ridge Mountain, thence with said
road and the top of Green Ridge Mountain the following courses
and distances: north 35¼ degrees east 800 feet, north 46 degrees
east 709 feet, north 38% degrees east 171 feet, north 21¾ degrees
east 975 feet, north 85 degrees east 1254 feet, north 28 degrees 50
minutes east 841 feet, north 44½ degrees east 300 feet north 26½
degrees east 427 feet, north 20½ degrees east 400 feet, north 3¾
degrees east 878 feet, north 32¾ degrees west 400 feet north 17¾