J. MILLARD TAWES, Governor 1383
(b) Adoption; procedure. As the work of making the general
plan progresses, the commission, from time to time, may adopt a
part or parts thereof, any such part to cover one or more sections
of the Regional District or one or more of the aforesaid or other
functional subjects-matter to be included in the plan. Before adopt-
ing the plan or any part thereof or any extension or amendment
thereof or addition thereto, the Commission shall hold at least one
public hearing thereon, thirty (30) days' notice of the time and
place of which shall be given by at least one publication in a news-
paper or newspapers of general circulation in the Regional District.
The adoption of the plan or any part thereof or amendment, or
extension or addition thereto shall be by resolution of the Commis-
sion carried by the affirmative votes of not less than six members of
the Commission of whom not less than three members shall be from
Montgomery County and not less than three members from Prince
George's County. No plan or part thereof shall be adopted by the
Commission unless and until any amendment or extension or addi-
tion to the plan presented at the public hearing has been separately
enumerated and specifically set forth with the reasons therefore
stated, published and posted in the office of the secretary of the
Commission at least 30 days prior to its proposed adoption IN
petition of any party alleging that such amendment, extension or
addition constitutes a substantial change without substantial evi-
dence having been adduced at the public hearing, the Commission
shall by resolution determine the merits of such allegation and mail
a copy of such resolution to the address of record of the petitioner.
The resolution on the adoption of the plan shall refer expressly to
the maps and descriptive and other matter intended by the Com-
mission to form the whole or part of the plan, and the action taken
shall be recorded on the map, plan, or descriptive matter by the
identifying signature of the chairman and secretary-treasurer of
the Commission. Notwithstanding any provision of this act to the
contrary, no substantial change to the plan proposed by the Com-
mission for adoption and upon which a public hearing required
aforesaid has been held shall be made without substantial evidence
having been adduced at said public hearing supporting such change.
An attested copy of the plan or any part thereof or any amendment
or extension or addition thereto shall be certified by the Commission
to and filed with the clerk of the circuit court of each of Montgomery
and Prince George's counties.
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take effect
June 1, 1963.
Approved April 30, 1963.
(House Bill 936)
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact, with amendments, Section 51 (a)
of Chapter 780 of the Acts of the General Assembly of 1959, said