as from time to time amended, or under any public general law of
the State of Maryland applicable to Washington County. After the
District has been so redesignated, the County shall no longer have
the right or power to increase or decrease the number of Commis-
sioners from that provided by this sub-title or to diminish or change
the powers and purposes of said Authority.
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That Section 531 (a) and
Section 531 (b) of the Code of Public Local Laws of Washington
County (1957 Edition, being Article 22 of the Code of Public Local
Laws of Maryland), title "Washington County", sub-title "Sanitary
Districts", as said sections were last amended by Chapter 743 of the
Laws of Maryland of 1961, be and the same are hereby repealed and
re-enacted, with amendments, to read as follows:
531. (a) (1) The powers of the District shall be exercised by
the Commission, which shall be composed as follows:
The Commission shall be composed of not less than three citizens
of the County, no one of whom shall hold any other office of said
County during his term of office on said Commission. The County
shall appoint the members of the Commission, whose terms of office
shall commence on the date of appointment and one of whom shall
serve for two years, one for four years, and one for six years from
the January first of the year following the year in which the District
shall be created, and thereafter said County shall, at a meeting held
not later than one month prior to January first in each year in which
a vacancy occurs, appoint as a member of the Commission a citizen
of the County, for a term of six years, to succeed the member whose
term expires on the January first next succeeding. The County may,
by ordinance or resolution, filed and recorded as provided in Section
529 of this sub-title, increase the number of members of said Com-
mission to five [, provided that any such ordinance or resolution
shall require that all Commission members reside in subdistricts but
that not more than two members shall reside in the same sub-
district]. Said ordinance or resolution shall further provide for stag-
gering the terms of the two additional members so that such terms
will expire in years different from the years in which the term of
the original members expire.
[(b)] (a) (2) Members of the Commission shall hold office until
their successors have been appointed, and may succeed themselves,
and shall receive such salaries and allowances for expenses as may be
determined by the Commission, with the approval of the County, from
time to time. If a vacancy shall occur by reason of the death, dis-
qualification, resignation or removal of a member, the County shall
immediately appoint a successor resident in the same subdistrict
to fill his unexpired term.
(b) (1) At such time as the City of Hagerstown and the County
enter into the compact described in Section 530 (c) and the District is
thereafter designated as the Hagerstown Washington County Sani-
ary Authority, REDESIGNATED, the Commission shall be recon-
stituted to consist of seven citizens and registered voters of the
County, no one of whom during his term of office on said Commission
shall hold any other office (i) of said County, or (ii) in the City of
Hagerstown, or (in) in any other incorporated town of said County.
Two of the members shall be appointed by majority vote of the Coun-