J. MILLARD TAWES, Governor 1241
cil of the City of Hagerstown, one of whom shall serve for two years
and one for four years from the January first of the year following
the year in which the Authority shall be created. Two of the members
shall be appointed by the County, one of who shall serve for two
years and one for four years from the January first of the year fol-
lowing the year in which the Authority shall be created. Two of the
members shall be appointed by the Governor, one of whom shall serve
for three years and one for six years from the January first of the
year following the year in which Authority shall be created. The six
members so appointed initially shall elect the seventh member, who
shall be a resident of an incorporated town of the County (but not
of the City of Hagerstown) and who shall serve for five years
from the January first of the year following the year in which the
Authority shall be created. Not later than one month prior to
January first in each year in which a vacancy occurs, a citizen and
registered voter of the County shall be appointed for a six year term
to succeed the member whose term expires on the January first next
succeeding, said appointment to be made by that same authority,
governing body or the Commission itself, as the case may be, as made
the appointment of the member whose term is expiring as aforesaid;
provided, however, that the aforesaid qualifications and limitations
applying to selection of the first seven members shall also apply to
all subsequent appointments, to the Commission; provided, further,
that if a member during his term of office shall cease to meet the
aforesaid eligibility qualifications and limitations, he shall be deemed
disqualified to continue serving as a member of the Commission.
(b) (2) Members of the Commission, as so reconstituted, shall
hold office until their successors have been appointed, and may suc-
ceed themselves; and they shall receive such salaries and allowances
for expenses as may be determined by the Commission, with the
approval of the County, from time to time. If a vacancy shall occur
by reason of the death, resignation, removal or disqualification of
a member, the same authority, governing body or the Commission
itself, as the case may be, as made the appointment of the member
for whom a successor is to be selected shall appoint said successor.
(b) (3) At such time as the Commission has been reconstituted
as aforesaid and all members have been appointed and have duly
qualified, thereupon the terms of all those members of the Commis-
sion holding office theretofore shall expire forthwith, as well as the
tenure of all officers, agents, employees, consultants and attorneys
theretofore serving the Commission, but without prejudice, however,
to any property or contract rights acquired by or belonging to any
person or firm prior to the termination of the terms of the said
former Commissioners or of the tenure of said officers, agents,
employees, consultants or attorneys. The aforesaid enlargement of
and change in membership of the Com/mission shall in nowise affect
any subdistrict, project or plan of the Commission then in being,
unless revoked or revised by the Commission as reconstituted, but
subject to the aforesaid limitation as to vested property or contract
rights; nor shall it be necessary for said reconstituted Commission
to accomplish anew or to perform otherwise any procedural actions
theretofore taken by the predecessor Commission toward the estab-
lishing of a new subdistrict, or the decreasing or the enlarging of
an existing subdistrict, or for the County to repeat or reaffirm any
like approval action in regard thereto. The Commission as recon-
stituted shall have and shall succeed to all the same rights and