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Kent County Bonds, Indentures, and Land Records, 1694-1707
Volume 669, Page 126   View pdf image
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And Elizabeth his wife have hereunto set their hands
year of our Lord God one Thousand Seven Hundred
Signed Sealed & Delivered         The above Deed was
in ye presense of us         as foll: vizt June ye
Samuell Llaurences              Acknowledged in open
Richard [mark] Powell         Wm Comegys

This Indenture made the Seventeenth Day of June
Betweene John Shaw of Kent County in ye Provine same County and Province aforesd
Consideration of ye sume of Seven Thousand ffive Hundred pounds
Received before the Insealing and delivery of this Present
him the sd John Shaw thereunto specially moveing he ye sd
testified by her signing and sealing of these Presents hath
Confirmed and by these presents do for himselfe his heires
give grant Bargaine Sell Alliened Enfefed and Confirmed
assignes for ever my now Dwelling Plantation with houses
and all the Land that doth belong to ye sd Plantation with
possession of the sd John Shaw that doth Lay betweene
Geffery Powar and another part of ye same Tract that he
known by thename of Maden Lott and Lyeing in kent
north side of Chester with all rights and benefitts thereun
singular ye appurtenances to the same and in any
to hold ye aforesaid persell of Land and Every of its
or hereby Intended to be Bargained and sould to him ye
aforesaid persell of Land and Plantation as aforesd and all
thereof to him ye sd Robert Ingram his Heire Executors
Heires Executors admrs or assignes and all other person
warrant & defend ye same by these presents The rights &
Excepted; and farther ye sd John Shaw for himselfe his
and att all times hereafter upon any Lawfull demand att ye
his heires Executors admrs or assignes Make do ackno
and Conveyances assurance and assurances in ye Law
and singular the above granted premisses to ye sd Robert
Wittness whereof ye partyes above named have to these sett
Signed Sealed and Delivered
in ye presence of us         The above Deed was
                                 as foll: vidzt Kent
     Wm Comegys         came before us Thomas Sm
    Tho: Covington         in ye sd County John Shaw of
                                 the wthin Deed to ye uses wth
                            wife of sd Jno Shaw being pri
                             her free Consent to ye same


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Kent County Bonds, Indentures, and Land Records, 1694-1707
Volume 669, Page 126   View pdf image
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