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Proceedings and Documents of the House, 1858
Volume 665, Page 9   View pdf image
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1858.]           OP THE HOUSE OF DELEGATES.            9

We respectfully propose, with the concurrence of your honor-
able body, to appoint a joint committee, to wait upon his Excel-
lency, the Governor, and inform him that the two Houses are
organized, and ready to receive any communication he may be
pleased to make, and have appointed Messrs.
and                                  as said committee on the part of this


By Order,

Vaughan Smith,

Chief Clerk.

The blank was filled with the names of Messrs. Alexander
and Duvall, and the message was adopted.

Mr. Smith, offered the following order:

Ordered, That when the House adjourn, it adjourns to meet
to morrow-morning at 11 o'clock.

Which was adopted.

Mr. Harrington, offered the following order,

Ordered, That the thanks of the House be tendered to J. W.
Dail, of Dorchester county, for the able and impartial manner in
which he has discharged the duties of chairman, during the or-
ganization of the House.

Which was adopted.

Mr. Harrington, offered the following order :

Ordered, That a committee of five be appointed to report rules
for the regulation of the House, and that the rules of the last
House of Delegates, be and are hereby adopted, until the com-
mittee have reported.

The blank was filled with the names of Messrs. Harrington,
Kidd, Hanway, Clarke and Magruder;
And the order was adopted.

The Committee Clerks of the House appeared, and were duly
qualified by the Speaker.

Mr. Alexander offered the following Message:

By the House of Delegates,

January 7, 1858.
Gentlemen of the Senate:

We propose to your honorable body that a Joint Committee be
appointed, to proceed to the Government House, and take an
inventory of the furniture, and report what repairs or additions
are necessary; and also what amount of money will be necessary
to make said repairs or additions.

We name Messrs. Alexander, Grieves, Thruston, Goldsbo-
rough and Davis, on the part of this House.

By order,

Vaughan Smith,

Chief Clerk,


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Proceedings and Documents of the House, 1858
Volume 665, Page 9   View pdf image
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