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Proceedings and Documents of the House, 1858
Volume 665, Page 10   View pdf image
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10          JOURNAL OF PROCEEDINGS            [Jan. 7,

And the Message was adopted.
Mr. Kidd offered the following order :

Ordered, That the committee on Education immediately upon
their appointment, inquire into the expediency of introducing a
bill to establish a system of Common Schools for the State, and
report to this House at the earliest practicable day.
Which was read and adopted.

The Doorkeeper, Postmaster and Pages to the House, appeared
and were duly qualified by the Speaker.

On motion of Mr. Magruder,

Leave was granted the committee on the Judiciary, hereafter
to be appointed, to introduce a bill to grant the leave of the Leg-
islature to a sale of land to the Vestry of Saint Paul's Parish in
Calvert county.

On motion of Mr. Schnebly,

Leave was granted the committee on Corporations, hereafter
to be appointed, to introduce a bill entitled, an act relating to the
Banks of this State.

The Secretary of the Senate delivered the following Message.

By the Senate,

January 7, 1858.
Gentlemen of the House of Delegates :

We have your Message informing us of your organization, and
propose Messrs. Wallace and Semmes, to join the committee
appointed by your honorable body, to inform his Excellency, the
Governor, that we have organized and are ready to receive any
communication he may be pleased to make.
By order,

C. Harwood,

Which was read.

On motion of Mr. Alexander,

Leave was granted the committee on the Judiciary, hereafter
to be appointed, to bring in a bill submitting to the voters of this
State the question of calling a Convention to frame a new Con-
stitution and form of Government.
On motion of Mr. Alexander,
The House adjourned until to-morrow morning at 11 o'clock.


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Proceedings and Documents of the House, 1858
Volume 665, Page 10   View pdf image
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