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Proceedings and Documents of the House, 1858
Volume 665, Page 8   View pdf image
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8                    JOURNAL OF PROCEEDINGS          [Jan. 7,

Mr. Mackubin offered the following order :

Ordered, That the Speaker appoint a committee to wait on the
Rev. Messrs. Graff and Veitch, and request them alternately to
open the daily sessions of this House with prayer;

Which was adopted.

And the Speaker appointed Messrs. Mackubin and Hobbs, said

Messrs. Harrington, offered the following order:

Ordered, That the Speaker, cause the Door Keeper to furnish
desks and places on the floor of the House, for the Reporters of
the American and Sun newspapers.

Which was adopted.

Mr. Lynch of Baltimore city offered the following order:

Ordered, That A. V. Robey of Annapolis city be and he is
hereby appointed Page to this house;

Which was adopted.

Mr. Smith of Baltimore city, offered the following order:

Ordered, That the State Librarian be authorised to procure a
sufficient number of copies of the State Constitution, with margi-
nal notes, for the use of the members of this House;

Which was adopted.

Vaughan Smith, Chief Clerk of the House, appeared and was
duly qualified by the Speaker.

The Secretary of the Senate delivered the following message:

By the Senate,
January 7th, 1858.
Gentlemen of the House of Delegates:

The Senate has organized, and is prepared to proceed with the
business of the session.

The Senate has elected the Honorable Edwin H. Webster,
their President, and appointed Chapman Harwood, Esq., Secre-

By Order,

C. Harwood.

Which was read.

Mr. Alexander, proposed the following message:

By the House of Delegates,

January 7th, 1858.
Gentlemen of the Senate:

Your message informing us of the organization of your house
is recieved. The House of Delegates having elected Hon. John
S. Berry, Speaker, and Vaughan Smith, Esquire, Clerk, is now
ready to proceed with the business of the Session.


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Proceedings and Documents of the House, 1858
Volume 665, Page 8   View pdf image
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