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Proceedings and Documents of the House, 1858
Volume 665, Page 50   View pdf image
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50                  JOURNAL OF PROCEEDINGS [Jan. 14,

THURSDAY, January 14th, 1858.

The House met, and was opened with prayer by the Rev. Mr.

Present at the call of the roll, the following members.

Messrs. Berry, Speaker, Morgan, Neale, Wickes, Meginnis,
Tongue, Mackubin, Griffiss, Magruder, Burgess, Walker, Ford,
of Balt. co., Goldsborough, Waller, Moore, Sudler, of Somerset,
Tilghman, Dail, Richardson, Grieves, Ford, of Cecil, Kidd, Belt,
Wyville, Contee, Larrimore, Sudler, of Queen Anne's, Landing,
Spence, Hearn, Thomas, Bowlus, Root, Koons, Hobbs, Hanway,
Bacon, Baker, Todd, McGonigal, Stirling, Rogers, McPherson,
Smith, of Balt. city, Kennard, Harrington, Crowley, Forrest,
Alexander, Rohrer, Gray, Schnebly, Worthington, Thruston,
Kilgour, Barnard, McKinstry, Reindollar, Day, Welling and

The proceedings of yesterday were read.

Mr. Crowley presented a petition from R. A. McAllister and
sundry other citizens of Baltimore, praying for the better regula-
tion of the Inspection Laws

Referred to the committee on Inspections.

Mr. Baker presented the petition of Amos Osborn praying to
be refunded certain moneys erroneously paid to the State.

Referred to the committee on Claims.

Mr. Root presented a memorial of the Judges of the Orphans'
court of Frederick county and Register of Wills of said county,
praying for the passage of an act requiring the Register of Wills
of said county to transcribe as many of the Indexes of records
into new books to be obtained for that purpose, as are worn out and
deficient from continued use ;

Referred to the Frederick county delegation.
Mr Burgess offered the following order:

Ordered, That the Speaker be requested to appoint a Select
committee to enquire and examine into the unfinished business
referred from the last, to the present session, of the Legislature,
and that said committee be required to report at as early a period
as practicable;

Which was adopted, and Messers. Burgess, Alexander and
Hanway appointed said committee.

Mr. Ford, of Cecil, offered the following order:

Ordered, That it be entered on the Journal that Mr. Davis of
Cecil, is detained from this House by sickness;

Which was adopted.


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Proceedings and Documents of the House, 1858
Volume 665, Page 50   View pdf image
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