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Proceedings and Documents of the House, 1858
Volume 665, Page 191   View pdf image
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1858.] OF THE HOUSE OF DELEGATES.          191

The bill entitled, a supplement to an act to incorporate a
Company to make a Turnpike Road in Washington county,
from Hagerstown, in said county, to Middleburg, on the Penn-
sylvania line, passed December session, 1849, chapter 241;

Was read the second time, and ordered to be engrossed for
a third reading.

The bill entitled, an act to incorporate the Old Road Turn-
pike Company, in Baltimore county,

Being upon its second reading,

On motion of Mr. Rogers,
Said bill was recommitted to the committee on Corporations.

The bill entitled, an act to incorporate the village of Leon-
ardtown in St. Mary's county;

Was read the second time, and ordered to be engrossed for
a third reading.

The Secretary of the Senate delivered the following bills:

A bill entitled, an act to lay out and establish a new elec-
tion district, in Somerset county, out of Dame's Quarter dis-
trict, No. 4, to be called "Tangier District," in election dis-
trict No. 15;

Which was read the first time, and referred to the Somer-
set delegation; also,

A bill entitled, an act to repeal the act of 1856, chapter
354, entitled, an act to charter the Patapsco Bank of Mary-

Which was read the first time, and referred to the commit-
tee on Corporations; also,

A bill entitled, an act to make valid a deed from Nathan
Tyson, George Elicott and Edward Lee to Charles Timanus,
and to authorise the recording of the same;

Which was read the first time, and referred to the commit-
tee on Judiciary; also,

A bill entitled, an act to change the name of Wesley Fre-
mont Davis, of Montgomery county, to Wesley Reid Davis;

Which was read the first time, and referred to the Mont-
gomery county delegation; also,

A bill entitled, an act to authorise the clerk of the Circuit
Court of Howard county to make new indexes of all the land
and chattle records in his office, in the manner prescribed by

Which was read the first time, and referred to the Howard
county delegation; also,


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Proceedings and Documents of the House, 1858
Volume 665, Page 191   View pdf image
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