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Proceedings and Documents of the House, 1858
Volume 665, Page 189   View pdf image
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1858.] OF THE HOUSE OF DELEGATES.           189

passed at January session, 1858, entitled an act to regulate
Pilotage;                                                                                                 .

Which was read, the first, time.                               

Mr. Alexander, from the committee on Judiciary, reported
favorably on the Senate bill entitled, an act to make valid the
acts of Hiram McCullough, as Commissioner under the act of
1828, chapter 165; also,

Reported favorably on the Senate bill entitled, an act to
make valid and. effectual a bill of sale from Henry Cassell, late
of Carroll county deceased, to Daniel Woodyard; also,

Reported; favorably on the Senate bill entitled, an act to
authorise the Commissioner of the Land Office to make such
correction in the courses or outlines of the tract of land called
"Love in a Village,'' both in the original certificate of sur-
vey and in the patent thereof, as shall make the same corres-
pond with the original plat on file in said office; also,

Reported favorably on the Senate bill entitled, an act to
make valid a deed of mortgage from Robert H. Rouse and
wife, of Kent county, to James Parker Selby, bearing date
the twelfth day of December, 1855, and recorded among the
land records of said county.             

Mr. Harrington, from the committee on Corporations made
the following report:         

The minority of the committee on Corporations, beg leave
to report that for want of a majority of the committee, they
are precluded from making any report of bills.

Which was read.

Mr. Burgess from a select committee reported favorably on a
bill entitled, an act to prescribe the duties and fix the com-
pensation, of the Sheriff of Charles county in certain cases there-

in mentioned;

Which was read the first time.

Mr. Spence, from a select committee, reported favorably on
a bill entitled, a supplement to an act to promote the more
general diffusion of information respecting the proceedings of
the commissioners of Worcester county, in this State ;

Which was read the first time.

The hour of the 12 o'clock having arrived, the House took
up for consideration the order of the day, being

The bill entitled, an act to regulate the compensation of the
Judges of the Orphans' Courts of Baltimore city ;           

Pending the second reading thereof,                             


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Proceedings and Documents of the House, 1858
Volume 665, Page 189   View pdf image
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