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Proceedings and Documents of the House, 1858
Volume 665, Page 188   View pdf image
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188              JOURNAL OF PROCEEDINGS [Jan. 29,

for the entry of claims, passed by the Registers and Orphans'
Courts, against deceased persons estates, passed at January
session, 1854, chapter 86.

On motion of Mr. Crowley,

Leave was granted to the committee on Corporations, to in-
troduce a bill to authorise the Commissioners of Baltimore
county to open streets or avenues in Baltimore county.

On motion of Mr. Harrington,
Leave was granted the committee on the Judiciary to in-
troduce an act supplemental to an act relating to the lien of
mechanics and others, upon buildings.

On motion of Mr. Allender,

Leave was granted the Baltimore county delegation, to in-
troduce a bill entitled, an act to facilitate the collection of
taxes, in arrears, in Baltimore county;                             

On motion of Mr. Allender,                                         

Leave was granted the Baltimore county delegation. to in-
troduce a bill entitled, an act for the benefit of the school
fund of Baltimore county.                             

On motion of Mr. Summers,

Leave was granted the Washington county delegation, to
introduce a bill to protect the fish in the rivers of the Cono-
cocheague and Anteitim, in Washington county,

On motion of Mr. Hanway,

Leave was granted the Harford county delegation, to bring
in a bill entitled, an act to repeal section 7th of the act of
1827, chapter 81, entitled, an act to provide for electing Com-
missioners of Harford county, and prescribing their power's
and duties.

On motion of Mr. Thomas,

Leave was granted the committee on Roads and Highways,
to bring in a bill to amend the act of January session, 1853,
entitled, an act to incorporate a company to build a Turnpike
road, from, Woodsborough to Monocacy bridge, on the road
leading to Frederick city.

The Speaker laid before the House the report of the Mary-
land State Colonization Society;                                         

Which was deferred, to the committee on Colored Popula-

Mr. Alexander, from the committee on Judiciary, reported
favorably on a bill entitled, an act supplemental to an act


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Proceedings and Documents of the House, 1858
Volume 665, Page 188   View pdf image
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