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Proceedings and Documents of the House, 1858
Volume 665, Page 187   View pdf image
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1858.] OF THE HOUSE OF DELEGATES.          187

Mr. Stirling proposed the following message to the Senate:
By the House of Delegates,

January 29, 1858.
Gentlemen of the Senate:

We propose with the concurrence of your honorable body,
that the joint special committee heretofore appointed to ex-
amine the report of the Commissioners, on Equity Pleading
and Practice have power to consider any other reports which
may he presented by the Commissioners, and report on the

By order,                             

J. W. Clayton,

Chief Clerk,
Which was read, assented to and sent to the Senate.

On motion of Mr. Mackubin,

Leave was granted to the Anne Arundel county delegation,
to bring in a bill directing the Comptroller to pay to Louisa
Gassaway, the residue of the pension due to her mother, at
the time of her death.

On motion of Mr. Mackubin,

Leave was granted to the Anne Arundel county dele-
gation, to bring in a bill for the relief of Joshua Brown, of
Anne Arundel county.

On motion of Mr. Wickes,

Leave was granted to the Kent county delegation, to in-
troduce a bill to authorise the agents or officers of corpora-
tions to make affidavit to the consideration of mortgages and
bills of sale.

On motion of Mr. Tilghman,

Leave was granted the committee on Judiciary, to report
a bill to protect bedded oysters in this State.

On motion of Mr. Rohrer,

Leave was granted the Washington county delegation, to
introduce a bill legalizing the acts of the corporate officers of
Boonsboro', in said county.

On motion of Mr. Stonestreet,

Leave was granted the Charles county delegation, to intro-
duce a bill for the relief of Robert Digges, of Charles county.

On motion of Mr. Belt,

Leave was granted the committee on Judiciary, to intro-
duce a bill to amend an act entitled, an act to provide for the
opening of a docket by the Registers of Wills of this State,


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Proceedings and Documents of the House, 1858
Volume 665, Page 187   View pdf image
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