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Proceedings and Documents of the House, 1858
Volume 665, Page 185   View pdf image
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Mr. Rohrer presented the petition from James Chambers,
Lewis Watson, and 28 other citizens of Boonsboro' in Wash-
ington county, praying the passage of an act legalizing the
acts of the present corporate officers of said town ;                 

Which was referred to the Washington county delegation.

Mr. Grieves presented a petition of sundry citizens of Dor-
chester county, praying the creation of a new Election Dis-
trict, out of Districts No. 1 and. 2 of said county;

Which was referred to the Dorchester county delegation.

The Speaker laid before the House a memorial of the
Society of Friends;

Which was referred to the committee on Judiciary.         

Mr. Thruston presented the report of the trustees of Alle-
gany county Academy;

Which was referred to the committee on Education.
Mr. Alexander offered the following order:

Whereas, by the act of December, session 1827, chapter 205,
entitled, an act to incorporate the Maryland Hospital, it is
provided that said Hospital shall be managed by a board of
visitors therein named, consisting of one from each county of
the State, and eleven from Baltimore city, and that in case of
the death, refusal to accept, resignation or removal from their
respective counties or city, of said visitors, the fact shall be
certified by the Secretary of said board to the Governor, and
such vacancies be filled by persons to be by him appointed;
And whereas application has been made to this General As-
sembly for an appropriation of eight thousand dollars for the
purposes of said Hospital; Therefore,                     

Ordered, That His Excellency the Governor be and he is
hereby requested to furnish to this House a list of the persons
now constituting the board of visitors of the Maryland Hos-
pital, said list to show the respective residences of said visitors
and the date and manner of their appointment, and also what
vacancies, if any exist in said board of visitors.                   

Which was adopted.           

Mr. Forrest offered the following order;                           

Ordered, That a special clerk proceed to the city of Balti-
more with the special committee appointed to examine into
the condition of the records and general management of the
office of the clerk of the Superior Court of Baltimore city ;

Which was adopted.                        

Mr. Morgan offered the following order:           

Ordered, That the present desk occupied by the Speaker


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Proceedings and Documents of the House, 1858
Volume 665, Page 185   View pdf image
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