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Proceedings and Documents of the House, 1858
Volume 665, Page 177   View pdf image
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1558.] OF THE HOUSE OF DELEGATES,          177

on a bill entitled, an act to incorporate the village of Port
Tobacco, in Charles county;

Which was read the first time.

The Speaker laid before the House the report of the Wash-
ington and Baltimore Turnpike Company;

Which was referred to the committee on Roads and High-
ways; also,

An abstract report of the Baltimore and Havre de Grace
Turnpike Company;

Which was referred to the committee on Roads and High-

The Secretary of the Senate delivered the following Senate

A bill entitled, an act to change the name of Talbot Clark;
Which was read the first time, and referred to the Allegany
county delegation; also,

A bill entitled, an act to make valid a deed from Wm. H.
Calvert and wife, to Eleonora A. Calvert;

Which was read the first time, and referred to the commit-
tee on Judiciary; also,

A bill entitled, an act requiring the Surveyor of Allegany
county, to have an accurate copy made of the record book in
said Surveyor's office, in which are recorded the certificates of
survey made by Benjamin G. Vaughn, a former Surveyor of
said county, and to provide the rate of compensation for his

Which was read the first time and referred to the Allegany
county delegation; also,

A bill entitled, an act amendatory of act entitled, an act
to provide for the formation of corporations for moral, scienti-
fic, dramatic, agricultural or charitable purposes, passed May
30th, 1852, chapter 231;

Which was read the first time, and referred to the commit-
tee on Corporations; also,

A bill entitled, an act to provide for making an Index
to judgments &c, in the Circuit Court for Caroline county,
and for the rebinding of the indexes of the Land Records and
directing the County Commissioners to levy by a tax a sum
sufficient to pay for the same ;

Which was read the first time, and referred to the commit-
tee on Judiciary; also,

A bill entitled, an act to incorporate Irving College,
in Manchester, Carroll county;


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Proceedings and Documents of the House, 1858
Volume 665, Page 177   View pdf image
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