Bean received 648 votes; Maddox received 608 votes, and that
George H. Morgan and Robert Neale having received the
highest number of votes given, are duly elected.
In Kent county the Judges return that Charles H. Wickes
received eight hundred and thirty-seven votes; Nathaniel Me-
ginnis received seven hundred and ninety-two votes; Laurence
M. Ricaud received six hundred and ninety-eight votes; John
M. Comegys received six hundred and sixty-six votes, and that
Charles H. Wickes and Nathaniel Meginnis having received
the highest number of votes given, are duly elected.
In Anne Arundel county the Judges return that Richard
C. Mackubin received 1055 votes; Benjamin Tongue received
1079 votes; E. G. Kilbourn received 1036 votes; Richard D.
Sellman received 1009 votes; William H. Dorsey received
1005 votes; Grafton Duvall received 983; and Richard C.
Mackubin, Benjamin Tongue and E G. Kilbourn having re-
ceived the highest number of votes given, are duly elected.
In Calvert County the Judges return that Joseph Griffins,
received four hundred and twenty-six votes, Daniel R. Ma-
gruder, received four hundred and nine votes, Franklin L.
Griffith, received four hundred and five votes, William Mc-
Daniel, received three hundred and seventy-eight votes, and
that Joseph Griffiss and Daniel R. Magruder, having received
the highest number of votes given, are duly elected.
In Charles county the Judges return that Francis B. F.
Burgess and Nicholas Stonestreet, having received the highest
number of votes are duly elected, but have omitted to return
the number of votes given.
In Baltimore county the Judges return that Joseph Walker,
William H. Smith, Walter T. Allender, John Thomas Ford,
Andrew A. Lynch and J. Somerfield Berry, having a majority
of legal votes, are duly elected, but have omitted to return the
number of votes given.
In Talbot county the Judges return that William B. Clarke,
received nine hundred and thirty-one votes, Henry H. Golds-
borough, received eight hundred and ninety votes, Samuel
Emerson, received seven hundred and twenty-three votes,
Jesse H. Bloodsworth, received seven hundred and thirty-
eight votes, and that Henry H. Goldsborough and William
B. Clarke, having returned a majority of votes taken, are duly
In Somerset county the Judges return that Robert J. Waller,
received fourteen hundred and seventy-one votes, Thomas B.
Moore, receives fourteen hundred and sixty votes, John S.
Sudler, received fourteen hundred and twenty-eight votes,
James Tilghman, received fourteen hundred and fifty-four