votes; Levin J. Waters received thirteen hundred and forty-
nine votes; Horatio N. Crawford received twelve hundred and
ninety-two votes; James L. Dorsey received twelve hundred
and seventy votes; Lemuel Malone received twelve hundred
and sixty-seven votes; Noah Webster received forty-four votes;
Morress Daniel received ten votes; John Dix received nine
votes; and that Robert J. Waller, Thomas B. Moore, John
S. Sudler and James Tilghman having received the highest
number of votes, are duly elected.
In Dorchester county the Judges return that Horatio G.
Grieves received eleven hundred and fifty-nine votes; John
W. Dail received twelve hundred and eleven votes; Levin
Richardson received eleven hundred and seventy-six votes;
Elias Griswold received one thousand and seventy-one votes;
John F. H. Vincent receive one thousand and fifty-four votes;
William M. Robinson received one thousand and forty-two,
votes; and that Horatio G. Grieves, John W. Dail and Levin
Richardson having received the highest number of votes given,
are duly elected.
In Cecil county, the Judges return that John W. Caldwell,
received eighteen hundred and seventy-one votes; Milton Y.
Kidd, received nineteen hundred and twenty-six votes; Nicho-
las P. Lloyd, received eighteen hundred and three votes ;
Thomas A. R. Pearce, received nineteen hundred votes;
Samuel Ford, received nineteen hundred and thirty-eight votes;
James A. Davis, received two thousand and forty votes.
In Prince George's county, the Judges return that Edward
W. Belt, received one thousand and sixty votes; Edward H.
Wyville, received one thousand and forty-two votes; John
Contee, received nine hundred and ninety-six votes; Richard
H. Duvall, received seven hundred and fifty-three votes; Jesse
A. Osborn, received six hundred and eighty-nine votes; James
F. Waters, received six hundred and thirty-four votes, for the
House of Delegates. .
In Queen Anne's county, the Judges return that Richard
T. Larrimore and John W. E. Sudler, have been duly elected
to the General Assembly of Maryland.
In Worcester county, the Judges return that John L. Hearn,
George W. Landing and Irving Spence, having received the
highest number of votes cast, have been duly elected delegates
for this county to the House of Delegates of Maryland.
In Frederick county, the judges return that Stephen R.
Bowlus, received three thousand six hundred and twenty-five
(3625) votes; Ulysses Hobbs, received 3566, John B. Thomas,
received 3693; Oliver P. Harding, received 3638; John A.
Koons, received 3568; Jacob Root, received 3578; Samuel