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Proceedings and Documents of the House, 1858
Volume 665, Page 12   View pdf image
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12                JOURNAL OF PROCEEDINGS             [Jan. 8,

Leave was granted to the committee on Judiciary to bring in a
bill to prohibit the naturalization of persons of foreign birth by
the courts of this State.

Mr. Smith, of Baltimore city, offered the following order:
Ordered, That a committee of five be appointed to examine the

condition of the State Tobacco Warehouses of Baltimore city,

and report to this House.

Which was adopted, and the following gentlemen were ap-
pointed said committee :

Messrs. Smith, of Baltimore city, Ford, of Cecil, Griffiss,
Contee, and Morgan.

Mr. Kennard offered the following order:

Ordered, That the committee appointed yesterday to wait upon
the Reverend Messrs. Graff and Veitch, with the request to open
this House with prayer, be instructed to extend the invitation to
Rev. Mr. Davenport;

Which was adopted.
On motion of Mr. Magruder,

Leave was granted to the committee on Judiciary, hereafter to
be appointed, to introduce a bill to amend and supply defects in
an act passed at January session eighteen hundred and fifty-six,
chapter one hundred and fifty-four, entitled an act to simplify
and abridge the rules and forms of conveyances.

Mr. Forrest offered the following order:

Ordered, That the committee on Insolvency be instructed to
enquire into the expediency of exempting from execution proper-
ty to the amount of three hundred dollars ;

Which was adopted.

On motion of Mr. Koons,

Leave was granted the Frederick delegation to introduce a bill
to legalize the proceedings of the Burgesses and Commissioners
of the Borough of Mechanicstown in Frederick county.

On motion of Mr. Harrington,

Leave was granted the committee to examine the Penitentiary
to introduce a Bill for the sale of all negroes, and mulattoes, slaves
and free, who are convicts.

On motion of Mr. Belt,

Leave was granted committee on Judiciary, to introduce a bill
to protect the people of Maryland in the exercise of the elective
franchise, and for other purposes.

Mr. Sterling proposed the following message :

By the House of Delegates,
January 8, 1858.
Gentlemen of the Senate:

We propose with the concurrence of your Honorable Body, the


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Proceedings and Documents of the House, 1858
Volume 665, Page 12   View pdf image
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