FRIDAY, January 8, 1858.
The House met. On the call of the roll the following mem-
bers were present:
Messrs. Berry, Speaker, Morgan, Neale, Wickes, Meginnis,
Tongue, Mackubin, Kilbourne, Griffiss, Magruder, Burgess,
Stonestreet, Walker, Allender, Ford, of Baltimore county, Lynch,
of Balt. co. Smith, of Balt. co. Clarke, Goldsborough, Waller,
Moore, Sudler, of Somerset, Tilghman, Dail, Richardson,
Grieves, Davis, Kidd, Belt, Wyville, Contee, Larrimore, Sud-
ler, of Queen Anne's, Spence, Landing, Hearn, Thomas, Hard-
ing, Bowlus, Root, Koons, Hobbs, Hanway, Bacon, Baker,
Todd, McGonigal, Stirling, Rogers, McPherson, Smith., of
Balt. city, Kennard, Harrington, Crowley, Forrest, Alexander,
Rohrer, Summers, Gray, Schnebly, Duvall, Worthington,
Thruston, Kilgour, Barnard, Mountz, Day, Welling and Dorsey.
The proceedings of yesterday were read.
Mr. Dail presented a petition, from sundry citizens of Dor-
chester and Caroline counties, to authorize Solomon Rich-
ards, a free negro of Dorchester county to pass the title of his
real estate, by deed or last will and testament, to his children ;
Which was referred to the committee on Judiciary hereafter to
be appointed.
Mr. Magruder offered the following order :
Ordered, That Thomas J. Wilson, of the city of Annapolis,
be and he is hereby elected Printer to this House; and that the
committee on Printing hereafter to be appointed, contract with
him for the execution of the printing;
Which was adopted.
Mr. Rogers offered the following order:
Ordered, That James W. Leggett and Charles J. Nesbett, of
Washington county, parties claiming seats as members of this
House, be each accorded the privilege of a seat on this floor
until the question of their respective rights be decided;
Which was adopted.
On motion of Mr. Dail,
Leave was granted to the Dorchester delegation to introduce
a bill to divide Election District No. 2, in Dorchester county, into
two Election Districts.
On motion of Mr. Alexander,
Leave was granted the committee on Judiciary, to bring in a
bill to interpret and define the meaning and application of the
word "resident," as it is used in the Constitution, Article 1st,
Section 1st.
On motion of Mr. Alexander,