shall continue unaffected except as modified
ment or repeal by, the Legislature of this
by law or in accordance with the provisions
State. And the Inhabitants of Maryland are
of this Constitution.
also entitled to all property derived to
them from, or under the Charter granted
by His Majesty Charles the First to Caecilius
Calvert, Baron of Baltimore.
Art. XV, sec. 2. The several Courts
existing in this State at the time of the
adoption of this Constitution shall, until
superseded, under its provisions, continue
with like powers and jurisdiction, and in
the exercise thereof, both at Law and in
Equity, in all respects, as if this Constitu-
tion had not been adopted; and when said
Courts shall be so superseded, all causes,
then depending in said Courts, shall pass
into the jurisdiction of the several Courts,
by which they may be, respectively, super-
Section 10.03. Constitutional Amendment.
Section 1. The General Assembly may
An amendment to this Constitution may
propose Amendments to this Constitution;
be proposed either by the affirmative vote of
provided that each Amendment shall be
three-fifths of all the members of each house
embraced in a separate bill, embodying the
of the General Assembly or by the affirma-
Article or Section, as the same will stand
tive vote of a majority of all the members of
when amended and passed by three-fifths
a constitutional convention. Any proposed
of all the members elected to each of the
amendment shall be submitted to the voters
two Houses, by yeas and nays, to be entered
of the State at a special or general election
on the Journals with the proposed Amend-
as determined by the General Assembly or
ment. The bill or bills proposing amend-
by the convention, whichever proposes the
ment or amendments shall be published by
amendment. Notice of the election shall be
order of the Governor, in at least two
given as the General Assembly shall prescribe
newspapers, in each County, where so many
by law. Unless otherwise provided, the
may be published, and where not more than
amendment shall become effective thirty days
one may be published, then in that news-
after approval by the vote of a majority of
paper, and in three newspapers published
those voting on the amendment.
in the City of Baltimore, once a week for
four weeks immediately preceding the next
ensuing general election, at which the pro-
posed amendment or amendments shall be
submitted, in a form to be prescribed by the
General Assembly, to the qualified voters
of the State for adoption or rejection. The
votes cast for and against said proposed
amendment or amendments, severally, shall
be returned to the Governor, in the manner
prescribed in other cases, and if it shall
appear to the Governor that a majority of
the votes cast at said election on said
amendment or amendments, severally, were
cast in favor thereof, the Governor shall,
by his proclamation, declare the said amend-
ment or amendments having received said
majority of votes, to have been adopted by
the people of Maryland as part of the
Constitution thereof, and thenceforth said