amendment or amendments shall be part
of the said Constitution. When two or more
amendments shall be submitted in manner
aforesaid, to the voters of this State at the
same election, they shall be so submitted
as that each amendment shall be voted on
Section 10.04. Constitutional Convention.
Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of the General
The General Assembly by law may call a
Assembly to provide by Law for taking,
constitutional convention at any time or may
at the general election to be held in the
submit the question of calling a constitution-
year nineteen hundred and seventy, and
al convention to the voters of the State at
every twenty years thereafter, the sense of
any time. If a constitutional convention shall
the People in regard to calling a Con-
not have been called or if the question of
vention for altering this Constitution; and
calling a convention shall not have been sub-
if a majority of voters at such election or
mitted to the voters of the State for a period
elections shall vote for a Convention, the
of twenty years, then the question shall be
General Assembly, at its next session, shall
submitted at the next general election. A
provide by Law for the assembling of such
convention shall be held within two years af-
convention, and for the election of Dele-
ter a majority of those voting on the ques-
gates thereto. Each County, and Legislative
tion approve the calling of a convention or
District of the City of Baltimore, shall have
within two years after the General Assembly
in such Convention a number of Delegates
calls a convention. Within sixty days after
equal to its representation in both Houses
approval by the voters or within sixty days
at the time at which the Convention is
after the General Assembly calls a conven-
called. But any Constitution, or change, or
tion, the governor shall appoint a
amendment of the existing Constitution,
commission to prepare for the convention.
which may be adopted by such Convention,
Not later than the second regular session fol-
shall be submitted to the voters of this
lowing the approval, the General Assembly
State, and shall have no effect unless the
shall prescribe by law the manner for elect-
same shall have been adopted by a majority
ing delegates, for filling vacancies in the posi-
of the voters voting thereon.
tion of delegate, and for assembling the con-
vention, and shall appropriate sufficient funds
for the work of the convention. The conven-
tion shall adopt its own rules of procedure.
Any proposal recommended by the conven-
tion for changing the Constitution shall be
submitted to the voters of the State for
adoption, and shall be effective only if ap-
proved by the affirmative vote of a majority
of those voting on the proposal.
This Constitution, the attached Schedule
See "Vote on the Constitution" at Section
of Transitional Provisions, and the attached
10.10 for referendum provisions.
Schedule of Legislation shall be submitted to
the qualified voters of the State for ratifica-
tion or rejection at the special referendum
election to be held on May 14, 1968, in ac-
cordance with the procedures prescribed by
Chapter 4 of the Acts of the General Assem-
bly of Maryland of 1967. If this Constitution
is ratified at such special referendum elec-
tion, then the attached Schedule of Transi-
tional Provisions is ratified as a part thereof
and the attached Schedule of Legislation is
adopted also and shall take effect as provided