eenth day of September, in the year eight-
een hundred and sixty-seven, at the usual
places of holding elections for members of
the House of Delegates in said City and
Counties. At the said election the vote
shall be by ballot, and upon each ballot,
there shall be written or printed the words
"For the Constitution," or "Against the
Constitution," as the voter may elect; and
the provisions of the Laws of this State,
relating to the holding of general elections
for members of the House of Delegates,
shall, in all respects, apply to, and regulate
the holding of the said election. It shall be
the duty of the Judges of Election, in said
City, and in the several Counties of the
State, to receive, accurately count, and
duly return the number of ballots, so cast
for, or against the adoption of this Con-
stitution, as well as any blank ballots which
may be cast, to the several Clerks of the
Circuit Courts of this State, and to the
Clerk of the Superior Court of Baltimore
City, in the manner now prescribed by
Law, in reference to the election of mem-
bers of the House of Delegates, and du-
plicates thereof directly to the Governor;
and the several Clerks, aforesaid shall
return to the Governor, within ten days
after said election, the number of ballots
cast for or against the Constitution, and
the number of blank ballots; and the
Governor, upon receiving the returns from
the Judges of Election or the Clerks as
aforesaid and ascertaining the aggregate
vote throughout the State, shall, by this
Proclamation, make known the same; and if
a majority of the votes cast shall be for
the adoption of this Constitution, it shall
go into effect on Saturday, the Fifth day of
October, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven.
Section 10.02. Effect of Constitution on
Declaration of Rights, Art. 5. That the
Existing Law.
Inhabitants of Maryland are entitled to the
All legislation, including local legislation,
Common Law of England, and the trial by
and all other law, including common law, in
Jury, according to the course of that Law,
force on June 30, 1968, insofar as it is not in
and to the benefit of such of the English
conflict with this Constitution, shall continue
Statutes as existed on the Fourth day of
in force until it expires by its own limitation
July, seventeen hundred and seventy-six;
or is lawfully changed. A law in effect on
and which, by experience, have been found
June SO, 1968, shall not be deemed in con-
applicable to their local and other circum-
flict with this Constitution solely because it
stances, and have been introduced, used and
was enacted pursuant to authority granted
practiced by the Courts of Law or Equity;
by a provision of the Constitution of 1867 as
and also of all Acts of Assembly in force on
amended. All existing writs, actions, suits,
the first day of June, eighteen hundred and
proceedings, civil or criminal liabilities, pros-
sixty-seven; except such as may have since
ecutions, judgments, sentences, orders, de-
expired, or may be inconsistent with the
crees, appeals, causes of action, contracts,
provisions of this Constitution; subject,
claims, demands, property titles, and rights
nevertheless, to the revision of, and amend-