which the Governor and Senate have the
power to fill, the Governor shall nominate
to the Senate before its final adjournment,
a proper person to fill said vacancy, un-
less such vacancy occurs within ten days
before said final adjournment.
Sec. 15. The Governor may suspend or
Section 4.31. Appointment and Removal of
arrest any military officer of the State for
Other Persons.
disobedience of orders, or other military
All persons in the executive branch whose
offense; and may remove him in pursuance
method of appointment or whose method of
of the sentence of a Court-Martial; and
removal is not specified in this Constitution
may remove for incompetency, or miscon-
shall be appointed or may be removed as the
duct, all civil officers who received appoint-
ment from the Executive for a term of
General Assembly may prescribe by law.
Sec. 16. The Governor shall convene the
See Section 3.15, Sessions, p. 3.
Legislature, or the Senate alone, on extra-
ordinary occasions; and whenever from
the presence of an enemy, or from any other
cause, the Seat of Government shall become
an unsafe place for the meeting of the
Legislature, he may direct their sessions
to be held at some other convenient place.
Sec. 17. To guard against hasty or
Section 4.13. Veto Power.
partial legislation and encroachments of
the Legislative Department upon the co-
ordinate Executive and Judicial Depart-
ments, every Bill which shall have passed
The governor may veto any bill passed by
the General Assembly except a budget bill or
a bill proposing an amendment to this Con-
the House of Delegates, and the Senate
shall, before it becomes a law, be presented
Section 4.15. Action on Bills by the Gover-
to the Governor of the State; if he approve
he shall sign it, but if not he shall return
A bill subject to veto shall become law if
it with his objections to the House in which
the governor signs or fails to veto it within
it originated, which House shall enter the
twenty days after presentation, if the General
objections at large on its Journal and pro-
Assembly is in session. If the General Assem-
ceed to reconsider the Bill; if, after such
bly has adjourned sine die before the bill be-
reconsideration, three-fifths of the members
comes law, the bill shall become law if the
elected to that House shall pass the Bill,
governor signs or fails to veto it within thir-
it shall be sent with the objections to the
ty days after presentation.
other House, by which it shall likewise be
reconsidered, and if it pass by three-fifths
Section 4.16. Return of Vetoed Bills.
of the members elected to that House it
If the governor vetoes a bill while the
shall become a Law; but in all such cases
General Assembly is in session, he shall return
the votes of both Houses shall be deter-
it promptly to the General Assembly. If the
mined by yeas and nays, and the names of
governor vetoes a bill after the General As-
the persons voting for and against the Bill
sembly has adjourned sine die, he shall re-
shall be entered on the Journal of each
turn it promptly either to the next regular
House respectively. If any Bill shall not be
session of the same General Assembly or to a
returned by the Governor within six days
special session of the same General Assembly
(Sundays excepted), after it shall have been
convened for the purpose of reconsidering
presented to him, the same shall be a
bills that have been vetoed. A bill shall be-
Law in like manner as if he signed it,
come law if passed over the veto by the
unless the General Assembly shall, by ad-
affirmative vote of three-fifths of all the
journment, prevent its return, in which case
members of each house. The law shall take
it shall not be a Law.
effect on the first day of July after passage,