days after receiving the list, his power to
make the appointment shall end and the
chief judge of the Court of Appeals shall ap-
point one of the nominees.
Sec. H. In case of any vacancy, during
Section 4.32. Interim and Recess Appoint-
the recess of the Senate, in any office
which the Governor has power to fill, he
shall appoint some suitable person to said
If a vacancy occurs in any office which the
governor may fill with the advice and con-
office, whose commission shall continue in
force until the end of the next session of
the Legislature, or until some other person
is appointed to the same office, whichever
shall first occur; and the nomination of
sent of the Senate, he shall appoint a person
to the office. If the appointment is made
within the first sixty days of a regular session
of the General Assembly, the governor shall
submit to the Senate the nomination of the
the person thus appointed, during the
appointee, or the nomination of another per-
recess, or, of some other person in his
place, shall be made to the Senate on the
first day of the next regular meeting of
son in his place. If the appointment is made
at any other time, the governor shall submit
the nomination to the Senate at the begin-
the Senate.
ning of the next regular session of the Gen-
Sec. 12. No person, after being re-
jected by the Senate, shall be again
nominated for the same office at the same
eral Assembly. Such an appointee shall re-
main in office until the end of the next
regular session of the General Assembly, or
session, unless at the request of the Senate;
until the expiration of the term of the office
or, be appointed to the same office during
to which he was appointed, or until his
the recess of the Legislature.
nomination is rejected by the Senate, which-
ever shall occur first. No person after being
rejected by the Senate shall again be appoint-
ed to or nominated for the same office at the,
same session, unless at the request of the Sen-
ate, or be appointed to the same office dur-
ing the adjournment of the General As-
Sec. 13. All civil officers nominated by
See Section 4.29, Appointments by Governor,
the Governor and subject to confirmation
p. 16.
by the Senate, shall be nominated to the
Senate within thirty days from the com-
Section 430. Terms of Office.
mencement of each regular session of the
Each person serving as the head of a prin-
Legislature; and their term of office, except
cipal department, and each chief administra-
in cases otherwise provided for in this
tive officer of a board or commission serving
Constitution, shall commence on the first
as the head of a principal department, ex-
Monday of May next ensuing their appoint-
cept the head or chief administrative officer
ment, and continue for two years, (unless
of an institution of higher education or of
removed from office), and until their suc-
the state public school system, shall serve at
cessors, respectively, qualify according to
the pleasure of the governor. The terms of
office of the members of each board or com-
mission which serves as the head of a princi-
pal department, except the governing board
of an institution of higher education or of
the state public school system, shall be pre-
scribed by the General Assembly by law or
by the process of executive reorganization, so
that the governor, immediately upon taking
office following his election, may appoint at
least one-half of the. members of each board
and commission.
Sec. 14. If a vacancy shall occur, during
See Section 432, Interim and Recess Appoint-
the session of the Senate, in any office
ments, p. 17.