Any bill which is vetoed by the Governor
unless another effective date after passage is
following the adjournment of the General
established by joint resolution of the General
Assembly, or any bill which fails to become
a law by reason of not having been signed
by the Governor following the adjournment
Section 4.14. Item Veto.
of the General Assembly, shall be returned
The governor may reduce or strike out any
to the House in which it originated, im-
item in a supplementary appropriation bill.
mediately after said House shall have
Each item or portion of an item not disap-
organized at the next regular or special
session of the General Assembly. Said bill
proved shall become law, and each item or
portion of an item disapproved shall be sub-
may then be reconsidered according to the
ject to the same procedure as a bill vetoed
procedure specified hereinabove. If the bill
by the governor.
is passed over the veto of the Governor,
it shall take effect on June 1 following,
unless the bill is an emergency measure
to take effect when passed. No such vetoed
bill shall be returned to the Legislature
when a new General Assembly of Mary-
land has been elected and sworn since the
passage of the vetoed bill.
The Governor shall have power to dis-
approve of any item or items of any Bills
making appropriations of money embracing
distinct items, and the part or parts of the
Bill approved shall be the law, and the
item or items of appropriations disapproved
shall be void unless repassed according to
the rules or limitations prescribed for the
passage of other Bills over the Executive
Sec. 18. It shall be the duty of the
Section 433. Information from Administra-
Governor, semi-annually (and oftener, if
tive Officers.
he deem it expedient) to examine under
oath the Treasurer and Comptroller of the
The governor at any time may require in-
formation, in writing or otherwise, from any
State on all matters pertaining to their
officer of any department, office, agency, or
respective offices; and inspect and review
instrumentality in the executive branch.
their Bank and other Account Books.
Sec. 19. He shall, from time to time,
Section 4.12. Messages to General Assembly.
inform the Legislature of the conditions of
The governor from time to time shall in-
the State and recommend to their con-
form the General Assembly of the conditions
sideration such measures as he may judge
of the State and recommend such measures as
necessary and expedient.
he considers necessary or desirable.
Sec. 20. He shall have power to grant
Section 4.34. Executive Clemency.
reprieves and pardons, except in cases of
impeachment, and in cases, in which he is
prohibited by other Articles of this Con-
The governor shall have power to grant
reprieves, commutations, and pardons, except
in cases of conviction upon impeachment,
stitution; and to remit fines and forfeitures
and to remit fines and forfeitures for offenses
for offences against the State; but shall
not remit the principal or interest of any
debt due the State, except in cases of fines
against the State. At least annually he shall
file with the Court of Appeals a public re-
port of the instances of the exercise of this
and forfeitures; and before granting a
nolle prosequi, or pardon, he shall give
notice, in one or more newspapers, of the
application made for it, and of the day
on, or after which, his decision will be