tained the age of thirty years at the time of
his election or appointment and shall have
been a qualified voter in the State for at least
five years immediately preceding his election
or appointment. No person elected governor
shall be eligible thereafter to hold the office
of lieutenant governor.
Section 4.05. Election of Governor and
Section 1. , . . [Governor] whose term
Lieutenant Governor.
of office shall commence on the fourth
The governor shall be elected by the voters
Wednesday of January next ensuing his
of the State for a term beginning on the first
election, and continue for four years, and
Wednesday in January following his election
until his successor shall have qualified; ....
and ending on the first Wednesday in Janu-
ary in the fourth year thereafter, and shall
Sec. 2. An election for Governor, under
serve until a person has qualified to become
this Constitution, shall be held on the
governor or to serve as acting governor. If
Tuesday next after the first Monday of
the first Wednesday in January is a legal
November, in the year nineteen hundred
holiday the term shall begin on the next
and fifty-eight, and on the same day and
day. In the general election, each candidate
month in every fourth year thereafter, at
for lieutenant governor shall be listed on the
the places of voting for Delegates to the
ballot with a candidate for governor, so that
General Assembly; and every person quali-
a vote cast for governor shall be considered
as also cast for the lieutenant governor listed
fied to vote for Delegates, shall be qualified
and entitled to vote for Governor; the
on the ballot with the candidate for gover-
election to be held in the same manner
nor. The election of a governor shall
constitute the election for the same term of
the lieutenant governor who was listed on
the ballot with him.
as the election of Delegates, and the re-
turns thereof, under seal, to be addressed
to the Speaker of the House of Delegates,
and enclosed and transmitted to the Secre-
tary of State, and delivered to said Speaker,
at the commencement of the session of the
General Assembly, next ensuing said elec-
See. 3. The Speaker of the House of
Delegates shall then open the said Returns,
in the presence of both Houses; and the
person having the highest number of votes,
and being constitutionally eligible, shall be
the Governor, and shall qualify, in the
manner herein prescribed, on the fourth
Wednesday of January next ensuing his
election, or as soon thereafter as may be
Gubernatorial Succession
Section 4.06. Failure of Governor-Elect to
Take Office.
If the governor-elect is disqualified, resigns,
or dies, the lieutenant governor-elect shall
become governor for the full term. If the
governor-elect fails to assume office for any
other reason, the newly elected lieutenant
governor shall become lieutenant governor
and shall serve as acting governor until the
governor-elect assumes office or until the
office becomes vacant.