Section 4.07. Lieutenant Governor as Acting
The lieutenant governor shall serve as act-
ing governor when notified in writing by the
governor that the governor will be temporar-
ily unable to perform the duties of his office.
The lieutenant governor also shall serve as
acting governor when the governor is dis-
abled but is unable to communicate to the
lieutenant governor the fact of his inability
to perform the duties 'of his office. In either
event the lieutenant governor shall serve as
acting governor until notified in writing by
the governor that he is able to resume the
duties of his office or until the office becomes
Section 4.08. Vacancy by Reason of Disabili-
The General Assembly, by the affirmative
vote of three-fifths of all its members in joint
session, may adopt a resolution declaring
that the governor or lieutenant governor is
unable by reason of physical or mental disa-
bility to perform the duties of his office. The
resolution, if adopted, shall be delivered to
the Court of Appeals, which then shall have
exclusive jurisdiction to determine whether
that officer is unable by reason of the disabil-
ity to perform the duties of his office. If the
Court of Appeals determines that such officer
is unable to discharge the duties of his office
by reason of a disability, the office shall be
vacant. If the General Assembly and the
Court of Appeals, acting in the same manner
as described above, determine that the gover-
nor-elect or lieutenant governor-elect is un-
able by reason of physical or mental disabili-
ty to perform the duties of the office to
which he has been elected, he shall be dis-
qualified to assume office.
Section 4.09. Succession to Offices of Gover-
Sec. 6. In case of the death, resignation,
nor and Lieutenant Governor.
removal from the State, or other disquali-
When a vacancy occurs in the office of
fication of the Governor, the General
governor, the lieutenant governor shall suc-
Assembly, if in session with a quorum
ceed to that office for the remainder of the
present, or if not, at its next session with
term. When a vacancy occurs in the office
of lieutenant governor, the governor shall
nominate a person who shall succeed to that
office upon confirmation by the affirmative
a quorum present, shall elect some other
qualified person to be Governor for the
residue of the term for which the said
Governor had been elected.
vote of a majority of all members of the Gen-
Sec. 7. In case of any vacancy in the
eral Assembly in joint session. If vacancies
office of Governor, and until the General
in the offices of governor and lieutenant
Assembly meets in session with a quorum
governor exist at the same time during the
present and elects a Governor as provided
first year of their term, the offices shall be
for in Section 6, the President of the Senate,
filled for the remainder of the term at the
at the time such vacancy occurred, shall
next general election and the president of
discharge the duties of said office; and in