to have vacated his office, and the Gover-
nor shall declare the same vacant, and the
vacancy therein shall be filled as in case
of vacancy for any other cause, and such
officer shall be subject to suit by the State
for the amount that ought to be paid into
the Treasury.
Section 4.01. Executive Power.
See Art. 8f Declaration of Rights, at Section
The executive power of the State shall be
3.01 for separation of powers.
vested in the governor, who shall faithfully
execute the laws.
Section 1. The executive power of the
State shall be vested in a Governor, ....
Sec. 9. He shall take care that the Laws
are faithfully executed.
Governor and Lieutenant Governor
Section 4.02. Qualifications of Governor.
Declaration of Rights, Art. 34. That a
The governor shall have attained the age
long continuance in the Executive Depart-
of thirty years at the time of his election and
ments of power or trust is dangerous to
shall have been a qualified voter in the State
liberty; a rotation therefore, in those De-
for at least five years immediately preceding
partments is one of the best securities of
his election. No person elected governor for
permanent freedom.
two full consecutive terms shall be eligible to
hold that office again until one full term has
Art. II, section 1. ... and a person who
has served two consecutive popular elective
terms of office as Governor shall be in-
eligible to succeed himself as Governor for
the term immediately following the second
of said two consecutive popular elective
Sec. 5. A person to be eligible to the
office of Governor, must have attained the
age of thirty years, and must have been
for ten years a citizen of the State of
Maryland, and for five years next preceding
his election, a resident of the State, and,
at the time of his election, a qualified voter
Section 4.03. Office of Lieutenant Governor.
There shall be a lieutenant governor, who
shall have only the duties delegated to him
by the governor. No power specifically vested
in the governor by this Constitution shall be
delegated to the lieutenant governor pur-
suant to this section.
Section 4.04. Qualifications of Lieutenant
The lieutenant governor shall have at-