An act for the payment of the journal of accounts.
WHEREAS, It appears by the journal of ac-
counts of this session, that there is due from this state,
the sum of four thousand five hundred and eighty-four
dollars and eighty-two and one half cents :
Passed June 18,
SEC. 1. BE IT ENACTED by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That the treasurer of the Western
Shore be, and he is hereby authorised and required to
pay the several persons, their executors,administrators,
assigns or orders, or to such of them as shall offer to
receive the same, the several sums of current money
allowed to them respectively, as they appear to be set-
tled and ascertained by the said journal of accounts,
out of any money now in the treasury, or that shall
come into the treasury, subject to the appropriation of
the General Assembly.
Treasurer au-
thorised to pay
all dues.
Passed by the General Assembly of the state of
Maryland, at an extra session held in June,
No. 1
Passed June 18,
Whereas, The government of the United States has,
by its communication to the governor of this state,
dated the fifteenth day of April, eighteen hundred and
twelve, required of the state of Maryland its quota of
one hundred thousand militia, to be got in readiness,
armed and equipped, and ready to take the field at a
moment's warning; and it has therefore become the
duty of the General Assembly of Maryland, to make
immediate preparation to put its quota, consisting of
six thousand men, in a state of readiness for service :
Resolved, That the governor and council be, and
they are hereby authorised and directed, to furnish
out of the public arms and accoutrements belonging to
the state, to the non-commissioned officers and pri-
vates composing the said quota, such arms and ac-
Relative to the
arming and e-
quipment of
the quota of mi-