provisions in said act relative to the block, docks and
lots, and to the extension of said street, shall be in
force as respects the block, docks and lots as herein
directed to be laid out, and to the extension of Pratt
street now directed to be made. And the assessors
shall, in assessing all damages, have respect to the
Provision con-
trary to this act
changes made by this act.
6. AND BE IT ENACTED, That all the provi-
sions of the act and the supplement to which this is a
further supplement, which are inconsistent with this
supplement, be, and the same are hereby repealed,
Passed June 18,
A further supplement to the act entitled, An act
to regulate and discipline the militia "of this
SEC. 1. BE IT ENACTED by the General As-
sembly of Maryland, That each commanding officer of
a company shall make out and return a correct enroll-
ment of his company to the commanding officer of the
regiment or battalion to which he belongs, whenever
required; and upon refusal or neglect, to be subject to
a fine not exceeding thirty dollars, unless he can make
a reasonable excuse, to be approved of by a regimen-
tal court-martial.
shall be liable,
2. AND BE IT EN AC TED, That all able bodied
white male citizens in this state, between the ages of
eighteen and forty-five years, except ministers of the
gospel, and except those exempted by the act of con-
gress, shall be liable to stand their draught, any law
to the contrary notwithstanding.
Certificates for
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That all certificate
heretofore granted for corporeal inability to person
liable to do militia duty, are hereby declared to be
void and of no effect:; and that all surgeons of regi-
ments and extra-battalions and their mates, who are
hereby empowered to grant certificates of corporeal
inability, before they proceed to grant any certificates
of corporeal inability to any person liable to do militia
duty, shall first take the following oath or affirmation
before some justice of the peace, to wit: "I do so
lemnly swear, or affirm, (as the case may be,) that
will not grant a certificate of corporeal inability to all
person liable to do militia duty, through favour or af-
fection; or who in my opinions not justly entitled
the same, or withhold it through prejudice or ill-will