coutrements as are required by the act of congress en-
titled, "An act more effectually to provide for the na-
tional defence, by establishing an uniform militia
throughout the United States;" and if there be a defi-
ciency of such accoutrement in the arsenals of the
state, then to contract for and purchase such arti-
cles as may be necessary to comply with the terms of
this resolution.
Resolved, That the governor and council be, and
they are hereby authorised and directed, in addition to
the accoutrements required by the said act of congress,
to supply such quota, in proportion as it may be called
into actual service, with the following articles, to wit:
One canteen to each non-commissioned officer and
private, and such number of camp kettles and tents
as the governor and council may deem necessary for
the said detachment.
Resolved, That the governor be instructed to open
a correspondence with the executive of the United
States, relative to the terms on which the said arms
and accoutrements are loaned for the use of the United
States; and requiring an assurance from the said go-
vernment, that the said arms and accoutrements, or
other arms and accoutrements equal in quantity and
quality, shall be restored to the state, when the ser-
vice of the quota of militia of this state shall have been
Resolved, That the sum of twenty thousand dollars
be, and the same is hereby appropriated to carry these
resolutions into effect; and the treasurer of the West-
ern Shore is hereby ordered to pay the said sum of mo-
ney to the order of the governor and council, as they
may require the same.
Resolved, That in the event of the amount of any
unappropriated money in the treasury being inade-
quate to the necessary expenditure to be incurred by
virtue of the foregoing resolutions, the treasurer of
the Western Shore be, and he is hereby empowered
and required to obtain a loan from any of the banks
in this state, on such terms as may be approved by
the governor and council: Provided, the amount of
such loan shall not exceed the expenditure authorised
by the foregoing resolutions.
Passed June 18,
Relative to
marking arms
and accoutre-
No. 2.
Resolved, That the executive of Maryland cause
the word " Maryland" to be marked on all arms and
accoutrements, now in the several armories of this
state, and which may hereafter be received.