No. 3.
Whereas, It appears by a report made by the gover-
nor and council, to the General Assembly, at the last
November session, that a great number of Che arms
belonging to the state has been delivered out at dif-
ferent times by orders of the governor and council
to officers of the militia, and it is deemed expedient
at this time to know the state and condition of said
arms: Therefore,
Resolved, That the governor and council be, and
they are hereby authorised and required, to make ap-
plication to all those officers (or their representatives.)
who have received arms or accoutrements of the
state, requiring them to make immediate report of
the number, state and condition of the said arms and
[accoutrements, and where the same are now deposit-
led; that the governor and counsil report to the next
General Assembly, the result of said applications.
Passed June 17,
A return of pub-
lic arms and ac-
coutrements re-
No. 4.
Resolved, That it is the duty of the printer of the
state to print a sufficient number of copies of the votes
land proceedings of the legislature of this state, at its
last session, for each justice of the peace of the state.
Passed June 18,
Relative to
printing the
votes and pro-