INDEX. 931
local laws in relation to wharves and wharfages
in, 542.
The bill entitled, an act for the carrying out
the provisions of the Constitution, 19th section,
4th article, by adding a new section to the 74th
article of the code of public general laws, by au-
thorising the removal of cases from the several
courts of; favorably reported, read second time,
and by order and passed, 608; amended in the
Senate, and amendments adopted, 715.
The bill entitled, an act approving ordnance
No. 6 of the mayor and city council, approved
December 7, 1859; read second time, and by or-
der and passed, 627.
The bill to authorise the mayor and city coun-
cil of, to build a bridge over Jones' Falls; report-
ed favorably, read second time, and by order and
passed, 628.
Favorable report on bill to incorporate the Mer-
chants' Hotel company of; read second time and
passed, 694.
Favorable report on bill entitled, an act to re-
peal the 177th section of article 4th, of public
local laws, relating to the inspection of fish in;
read second time, and by order and passed, 724.
Favorable report on bill to amend the code of
public local laws, by adding thereto a new section
relating to the crier of the Superior court of; read
and passed, 727.
A bill from the Senate to amend the 29th arti-
cle of the code of public general laws, by amend-
ing the 56th section thereof, so as to provide for
the removal of equity causes from the Superior
court of, to the Circuit court of; referred to com-
mittee on the Judiciary, 741.
The bill to amend the 18th article of the code
of public general laws, by adding certain sections
giving to the clerks of the Circuit court and Su-
perior court of Baltimore city and Court of Com-
mon Pleas the power to take supersedeas of judg-
ments and decrees rendered in said courts; favora-
bly reported and passed, 751.