930 INDEX.
and Speer's wharf, relating to obstructions in
Smith's dock, 74.
Petition for the erection of scales in: referred
to delegation from, 144.
Order that the clerk of Criminal court of, re-
port to this House the number of bail bonds for-
feited for the last four years, 266.
That the clerk of the Criminal court of, be in-
structed to report to this House the number of in-
dictments for murder, manslaughter and assaults
with intent to murder found in the said court dur-
ing the years 1856, '57, '58, '59, &c, 295.
That the clerk of the Criminal court of, inform
this House on or before the 15th day of February
next of the number of bail bonds forfeited in said
court during the last eight years, &c, 296.
That the clerk of the Criminal court of, forth-
with report to this House whether it is the prac-
tice to tax the State's attornies' fee of $3.33⅓ more
than once, and if so, how often, &c, 308; refer-
red to the committee on Ways and Means.
An act to confirm the charter of St. Anthony's
Orphan Asylum of, incorporated 10th of April,
1858; favorably reported on and read, read the
second time, and by special order and passed, 323.
Bill favorably reported by committee on Elec-
tions to amend the 4th article of the code of pub-
lic local laws, by adding thereto sections requir-
ing and prescribing the mode of registering the
legal voters in, 403, proceedings on, 680.
A bill from the Senate to amend the 4th article
of the code of public local laws by adding certain
sections authorising the mayor and city council of
Baltimore to endorse or guarantee the first mort-
gage bonds of the Western Maryland Railroad
company not exceeding two hundred and fifty
thousand dollars; referred to delegation from,
436, favorable report 465, read second time, and
by special order passed, 472.
Favorable report on bill entitled, an act to re-
peal 895 and 896 sections of the code of public