shares shall be distributed amongst the said Jonathan Brock,
John Ely, Laurence Johnson, Conrad S. Grove and Robert
F. Taylor, in proportion to their several and respective in-
terests in the said ordinance, to be by them ascertained at the
time of their acceptance of this act; and the property of the
said Jonathan Brock, John Ely, Laurence Johnson, Conrad
S. Grove and Robert F. Taylor, hereby vested in the said
corporation, as a payment of twenty-five dollars per share
on the capital stock of the said corporation, so assigned and
distributed to them.
"And be it enacted, That within thirty days next after the
passage of this act, and the acceptance thereof as is herein
provided, the said Jonathan Brock, John Ely, Laurence
Johnson, Conrad S. Grove and Robert F. Taylor, or the major
part of them, shall open books for subscription, for the re-
maining twenty thousand shares of the capital stock of the
said corporation, at such time and at such place in the city of
Baltimore, as the said commissioners shall name and appoint
by advertisement, to be inserted in at least two of the daily
newspapers printed in the city of Baltimore, for at least
twenty days prior to the time appointed for opening books as
aforesaid; that the said books shall be kept open for at least
four successive days, from 9 o'clock, A. M., until 3 o'clock,
P. M., and if there shall have been subscribed more than
twenty thousand shares, the said commissioners or a majority
of them, shall deduct the excess from the highest numbers
which shall have been subscribed, until the aggregate sub-
scriptions shall be reduced to the number of twenty thousand
"And be it enacted, That the sum of five dollars shall be
paid on each share of capital stock subscribed for as aforesaid,
at the time of making the subscription therefor, and that a
further payment of twenty dollars per share, shall be made
to the said corporation within sixty days after the closing
of the books of subscription and apportionment and allot-
ment of shares as aforesaid.
"And be it enacted. That the said corporation shall have
power from time to time, to call in such further instalments
on all the capital stock of the said corporation, but none
other, as shall be found necessary to carry into effect the pur-
pose of this act, the said instalments to be paid by the holders of
the said capital stock, at the time and place at which such
calls shall be actually made; Provided, such further instal-
ments with the payment to be made by the transfer of property
and in money as aforesaid, shall not exceed in the whole, the